Wu-Wei: The Art of Non-Doing

What is Wu-Wei? A Taoist Guide To Living Life In Harmony With The Universe

LIFE 2.0
Life 2.0 Magazine
Published in
3 min readDec 24, 2022


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Have you ever watched a performance from an artist, be it a dancer, an actor, or a musician, and felt like it was just missing something? It may have seemed too artificial or forced, and that’s because of a concept known as Wu-Wei.

Wu-Wei is a Chinese philosophical term that literally translates to not-doing or non-action and is the idea of living life in harmony with the way of the universe or the Tao.

At its core, Wu-Wei means to know when and when not to act. For instance, if you are studying Judo, you are taught to use your muscles at the right moment and not at the wrong time. If you act too soon or too late, you may be off balance and less effective.

It’s similar to the phrase “Strike while the iron is hot” — you don’t want to act too soon, but you don’t want to miss your opportunity either.

Wu-Wei isn’t just about physical action, however. The concept also applies to mental and emotional states. For example, Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher and the author of the Tao Te Ching, said:

“Superior Virtue has no intention to be virtuous”.



LIFE 2.0
Life 2.0 Magazine

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