The Promise of Universal Basic Income: A Panacea for Economic Inequality in America

Alan Yarborough
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2023


By: Alan K. Yarborough

Photo by David Veksler on Unsplash

What is Universal Basic Income?

Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a financial model that proposes the distribution of a fixed, unconditional sum of money to every citizen, irrespective of their employment status. The concept is not a novel one; it has its roots in various economic theories and has been the subject of numerous pilot programs. However, it has gained renewed attention in recent years as a potential solution to the inextricable issue of economic inequality.

Why is Universal Basic Income Needed?

In a society where the gap between the affluent and the impoverished is widening, the need for a financial safety net becomes increasingly apparent. The current welfare systems, while well-intentioned, often fall short of providing comprehensive support. They are riddled with bureaucracy, means-testing, and conditions that sometimes preclude the most vulnerable from receiving aid. Moreover, these systems can inadvertently perpetuate a cycle of poverty and servitude, as they often disincentivize work due to the loss of benefits.

UBI, on the other hand, offers a more equitable approach. By providing every citizen with a guaranteed income, it serves as a financial cushion that can mitigate the vicissitudes of life, from unexpected medical expenses to job loss. It can also serve as a catalyst for entrepreneurship and creativity, as individuals are freed from the shackles of financial insecurity.

Who Foots the Bill?

One of the most common misconceptions surrounding UBI is the notion that it would place an undue financial burden on the lower and middle classes. This is a fallacy that needs to be vehemently debunked. In most proposed models, the funding for UBI would come from a reallocation of existing welfare budgets, coupled with progressive taxation on corporations and the ultra-wealthy. In essence, it would be those who have benefitted the most from the current economic system who would contribute to this societal elixir.

It’s crucial to be cognizant that the implementation of UBI would not be an act of charity but rather an investment in society. Numerous studies have shown that the return on investment for UBI is substantial, ranging from improved health outcomes to increased productivity and consumer spending. Thus, it’s not a zero-sum game where the rich are simply transferring wealth to the poor; it’s an efficacious strategy that uplifts society as a whole.


Universal Basic Income is not a mere financial handout; it is a transformative concept that has the potential to redefine the social contract. It offers a panacea for many of the systemic issues that plague our society, from economic inequality to the inefficacies of the welfare state. Most importantly, it is a policy that can be funded without imposing additional financial burdens on the lower and middle classes.

In a world where the nefarious effects of economic disparity are becoming increasingly apparent, UBI stands as a beacon of hope. It offers a path towards a more equitable society, where the fruits of economic progress are shared by all, not just a privileged few. It is a concept that resonates on a deep level, challenging the status quo and offering a vision of a more just and prosperous future.



Alan Yarborough

Soldier turned entrepreneur, writer and academic. Interests: Trail Running, the Ocean and Travel.