The Purpose of Life Series

Alan Yarborough
Published in
3 min readJan 2, 2023


Issue 1

By: Alan K. Yarborough

Welcome to the “Purpose of Life” series! In this series, we will be exploring the various possibilities for what the purpose of life might be. This is a deeply philosophical and personal question that has puzzled humans for centuries. We will examine different perspectives from various traditions, cultures, and individuals in an effort to promote thought and discussion on this topic. Our goal is to provide a diverse range of viewpoints and encourage readers to consider their own beliefs and values as they contemplate the purpose of life. So join us as we embark on this journey of self-discovery and exploration.

Throughout history, philosophers have proposed a wide range of ideas about the potential purpose for humanity. Here are a few examples:

  1. Aristotle believed that the purpose of humanity was to live a life of virtue and to achieve eudaimonia, or happiness and flourishing. He believed that the highest form of happiness was achieved through the practice of reason and the pursuit of wisdom.
  2. Immanuel Kant argued that the purpose of humanity was to be moral and to treat others with respect and dignity. He believed that living a moral life was essential for achieving happiness and fulfillment.
  3. John Locke believed that the purpose of humanity was to pursue happiness and to have the freedom to do so. He argued that individuals had a natural right to life, liberty, and property, and that the role of government was to protect these rights.
  4. Friedrich Nietzsche believed that the purpose of humanity was to create meaning and value in life. He argued that traditional values and beliefs were no longer relevant and that individuals needed to create their own values and meaning in life.
  5. Jean-Paul Sartre believed that the purpose of humanity was to make choices and to take responsibility for those choices. He argued that individuals were free and responsible for their own actions and that this freedom was what gave meaning to life.
  6. These are just a few examples of the many different ideas about the potential purpose for humanity that have been proposed by philosophers throughout history.

Now, that’s a pretty good start. But let’s get creative and come up with our own ideas.

It is certainly a tall order to consider and analyze all that has been written about the purpose of humanity by such a diverse group of individuals. However, I will do my best to come up with a few new and creative philosophical ideas for life’s purpose. I’d like to hear your ideas also.

One possibility is to view the purpose of humanity as being interconnected with the purpose of the universe as a whole. Rather than seeing humanity as having a separate and distinct purpose, we could consider the ways in which our actions and choices contribute to the overall evolution and development of the universe.

From this perspective, the purpose of humanity could be to facilitate the growth and evolution of consciousness within the universe. This could involve using our intellect, creativity, and compassion to help bring about positive change and to promote the well-being of all beings within the universe.

This idea is inspired by the concept of “cosmic evolution,” which proposes that the universe has a natural tendency towards greater complexity, diversity, and consciousness over time. From this perspective, the purpose of humanity could be to participate in and contribute to this ongoing process of evolution and growth.

Ultimately, this idea suggests that the purpose of humanity is not something that is fixed or predetermined, but rather something that is constantly evolving and unfolding as we navigate our place within the larger context of the universe.

Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash



Alan Yarborough

Soldier turned entrepreneur, writer and academic. Interests: Trail Running, the Ocean and Travel.