Don’t Fear the Inevitable

If you absolutely can’t control it, don’t sweat it.

Lucas Hawthorne
Published in
4 min readJan 3, 2020



A rather frightening concept, isn’t it?

Or is it really?

I understand the fear of death and the unknown.

All the questions that come associated with death, like: What happens after we die?

The terror that creeps when one starts to wonder how they’re going to die.

When it’s their turn.

I, however, don’t fret. I don’t recommend that you do either.

And here’s why.

As we should all hopefully understand, death is inevitable. Meaning, regardless of whether we want it or not, it’s gonna be handed to us eventually.

You know what else is inevitable?

  • Painful experiences of loss and failure.
  • Arguments and disagreements with those you hold dear.
  • Turbulent relationships, and I don’t mean just the romantic kind.
  • Rejection, and being told “no” when you want a “yes.”



Lucas Hawthorne
Editor for

A guide to life and self-improvement, brought to you by a magazine-published Gen Z-er. I'm not on Medium anymore, find me here: