Ten Top Tips To Get You Through The First 6 Months Alcohol Free

Helena Anne
Happy Sobriety


#2: Ban all diets

Photo credit”https://freeimages.com/photographer/aleazzurro-50969" Alex L’Azzurro

The path to sobriety is ultimately brilliant. Your life is about to improve immensely. You will become richer, thinner, happier, more fulfilled and your life will change beyond recognition. This I promise you. But the path is a rocky one with ups and downs, highs and lows. You must be prepared if you are determined to succeed.

You need a plan.

I’ve written these 10 tips as a summary of all the best bits I gained from my journey to maximize your chances of success, and help you navigate the path ahead.

1. Treat your sobriety like a new born baby

You must prioritize it above everything else in your life if you want to be successful. Remember this often. If you are invited out somewhere that you may find challenging, just say no. If you need to stay away from people with who you have a long history of drinking, do it. Once your past the first 6 months, you have the rest of your life to connect with people and go to events. But for now, you must look after your sobriety.

2. Ban all diets

For the first 6 months allow yourself to eat what you want, whenever you want. Sometimes in the early days of sobriety, you’re going to have to…



Happy Sobriety
Happy Sobriety

Published in Happy Sobriety

A collection of blogs to describe life after booze, some experiences, musings and tips to help you through.

Helena Anne
Helena Anne

Written by Helena Anne

Lover of Dogs and Yoga. Eternally searching for ways to expand my consciousness.

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