The Curtains Close

Life After Sleep
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2017

California. I’d always dreamed of going on holiday with my girlfriends whom I’ve known from university days, 13 years and counting. We ended up in L.A and were having the best of time when the News began to change.

It began with frantic calls, hurried footsteps and eventually, nightly sirens.

“When will our flight leave now?” was the question everyone was asking. Our hotel had already emptied out and we were left to do most things ourselves. Our days were spent waiting and making those phone calls.

Finally we got a definite yes, our flights were booked to fly out of L.A in 4 days. With good news I summoned the courage to look at the News.

“If Nigeria is reporting it then it’s serious” one of my friends said. I looked at her phone and there it was. I always imagined Armageddon as being consumed by fire but this was the opposite. I let out a large sigh and found somewhere to sit.

All the News channels were already reporting that Hawaii had been wiped out, most people were evacuated but the raging waters were untameable, the next stop would be the west coast of America, wiping out everything and so on. I just wanted to go home. But 4 days, and even if we got home, where next would we fly to?

Where next will we go?

Luckily, I woke up with an answer, work wasn’t going to wait for me.



Life After Sleep

*Eternally Loved* Daughter of the King. Edo princess. UX evangelist, Designer