Getting Over

James Stowe
Life and Love In Lyric
1 min readAug 3, 2019

Getting over stuff fucking sucks. Whether it’s a person, a negative work experience or one of a million micro aggressions in a given day, in order to move forward you must unburden yourself of it. But is there a point of no return: one from which you can’t be truly unburdened? When all the baggage drags behind you, like a deflated parachute? Most events in life don’t have a neat conclusion like we see onscreen. They’re messy and we often never get the closure we’re looking for. In these circumstances, it’s mostly up to our imagination to fill in the blanks. In real life most of time what we’re actually getting over is the uncertainty, the return of ignorance about a person or situation you thought you knew, the disappointment of being so wrong about something that felt so right. Life isn’t a meritocracy; we can work ourselves to the point of exhaustion, and still just barely scrape by. We can put our all into a dream, only to have it dashed due to events just outside of our control. So then what to do? How to disconnect when the very nature of life demands being connected and present? Just exhale. Keep moving. Cry if it helps. Don’t if it doesn’t. No situation is permanent and the world will keep spinning.



James Stowe
Life and Love In Lyric

My coping mechanism. My writings are about love, hope, politics and everything in between. Maybe it'll be the same release for you or maybe just worth a smile.