7 wonderful tips for constructive and efficient conversations

Chris Shan D’Rozario
Life And Technology
5 min readJan 24, 2019

Business Phone Etiquettes

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Constructive and efficient conversations are truly an influential factor. It is like poles apart, when you talk to someone in person and when you converse online.

It is so much easier when you talk with someone face to face, because your body language and expressions plays a big role here. But when you are communicating online, what it takes is the tone of your voice and the way you speak to them. Especially when you are in an online business conference meeting. That is why telephone etiquettes play a key role here.

But don’t you worry! I’m listing out 7 telephone etiquettes that might help you in your day-to-day life

Number 1: Get prepared well before your call

First and foremost rule; Understand your audience! Get a brief idea of who all would be joining your call, their designation, purpose of the call etc.

Keep a pen and notepad by your side, check your network connections, audio video connectivity, get your necessary sketching tools open which you may need to screen share when required. You may even change the conference call settings to mute your audio and video before joining the call (if you have a noisy environment). You can anyways turn them on during the call when required.

Imagine if someone in the call shoots out a question to you out of nowhere. Wouldn’t you be dumbstruck sometimes? So it is nice if you could make a brief template of the frequently asked general questions and keep them handy, so that you may not get lost.

It's important to join your call 10 minutes before the schedule.

Number 2 : Attend your call asap and with a greet!

It’s often nice to attend your calls within the second or third ring. Most of the people might hang up the call if it doesn’t get answered after 6 or 7 rings. Attending calls asap would not only make the person at the other end wait less, but rather you are not changing anyone’s mood by just keeping them waiting. Make them feel at home and let them feel great working with you with your good phone manners.

It is always nice to greet the person on the other end with a smile. Say for example “Good Morning, How are you today!” or “Good afternoon” depending on the timezone and then introduce yourself. The thumb rule is: Always introduce yourself before getting into any conversation; telephonic or face to face.

Always be delicate to the tone of your voice. If a caller upset, listen to what they have to say and then refer them to the appropriate resource. Never snap back or act rude to them.

Number 3: Be cheerful, crisp and clear

Always remember that the caller on the other end of the phone can only hear you. They cannot see your face or body language. Therefore, taking the time to speak clearly, slowly and in a cheerful, professional voice is really very important.

Use your normal tone of voice when answering or making a call. Avoid eating or drinking while in a telephonic conversation. Avoid using slang languages and swear words. Respond clearly with “yes” or “no” while speaking.

Do not lean back in your chair when speaking on the telephone. It is helpful if you record your own conversations. You will then hear how you sound to others and rectify if needed.

Number 4: Listen ,take notes, sketch

Listening is one of the greatest qualities found in human beings. Always listen to the caller and if possible take notes on what they are saying. Keep a pen and paper beside you always. You can also download any sketch applications, sketch the ideas you are discussing and screen share it with the other party, so they may know what exactly is in your mind.

Make the habit of repeating back the information to the client while you are conversing. This would verify that you have got the right information and avoid further mistakes.You need not set up another meeting just to clarify the loops you made here.

Remember to use phrases such as “thank you” and “please” which are essential in displaying a professional ambiance.

Number 5 : Focus on your call

Always concentrate and keep focussed on your call. Try not to get distracted by the people around you or get lost in your thoughts. If someone tries to interrupt you while you are on a call, politely remind them that you are on a client call and that you will be with them as soon as the call gets over.

If you are not aware of any tool/technology they are talking about, then feel free to ask them. Also if the other party is not aware of the same, then educate them in a brief way. It makes you seem more professional to them.

Don’t be afraid to say “No”, or at least politely say — No.

Be watchful over your screens when you make a screenshare. Close other unwanted browsers and tabs. Also remember to end your screenshare once you have done with your part.

Number 6 : Know your timeline

Make it short. Respect each person’s time and ensure that the conversation gets completed within the given timeframe. You may even set a timer if you are not sure when it gets longer.

The best practice is to keep a list of items that you are planning to discuss in the conversation, so you know where you are going.

Keep an eye over the clock when you are into a conversation. Ensure that you wind up 10 minutes before the time gets running out.

Number 7: Summarize and Close

Summarize your call using the points you have noted down before. This would reaffirm what was discussed during the phone call. So incase if there is any information which needs to be changed or altered, the other party has an opportunity to add on.

MOM — Minutes of Meetings. Send an MOM to all the participants in the call and you may even request them to add their points that you might have missed. You may also share the sketches you made so that they may get better clarity on it.

Make the habit of finishing the call with a pleasant phrase like “It was a pleasure speaking with you” or “You have a great day. I’ll see you soon!”.



Chris Shan D’Rozario
Life And Technology

Senior UX Designer, passionate about making usable products to the end users and making profits to the business