Has your head been lost from your body?

Pretty Lady
Life And Technology
4 min readApr 22, 2024
Photo by OSPAN ALI on Unsplash

We are beings of a rational and an emotional portion, and internal conflicts between what we think and feel generate external conflicts in our relationships, our lives, and the scope of psychosomatics, producing illnesses in the body.

When mental and emotional suffering knocks on the door, we immediately seek to remedy it. However, when we don't know the right thing to do, we can enter into an ambush, using psychiatric medication chronically, alcohol, and other drugs as an escape, immersing ourselves in work, or seeking some way to escape the pain it causes.

It is a natural reaction to what we feel; suffering is unpleasant, and we want to eliminate it. However, many resources that alleviate discomfort can cause a side effect worse than the initial pain. The person often tries to move away from suffering without adequate confrontation.

She moves away from herself, creating an imaginary armor with layers and more layers of defense that she believes protect her from suffering.

Imagine your internal suffering right there in the center of your body. Rationally, you don't want to feel this anymore because it's an unpleasant, bad, and painful emotion. This generates anxiety and discomfort.

Your thinking is that you shouldn't feel this way. You try to live your life rationally and maturely. But, it gets more and more difficult. Your feelings and your emotions don't match what you think, and your mind starts to freak out with anxiety, dysfunctional thoughts, depression, compulsions, etc.

As the years go by, if you don't look at the suffering inside, you go outside it, outside your body, trying to escape this pain. It's as if your physical body is enveloped by plaster, cement, and yet another layer of armor. And you can no longer access your body; your mind is outside. You keep living on automatic, trying to be rational.

You no longer know why you react the way you do because the pain keeps getting worse and worse. You continue reacting to external stimuli, creating the same conflicts as always in your life, with the difference that they worsen daily.

Depression, exacerbated anxiety, and various disorders overwhelmingly take over you. You look for more medication and more resources that can camouflage your suffering.

The damage can be irreversible. Denial of suffering, not facing it, can lead to total disintegration between mind, emotion, and body.

You took your mind out of your body. There is no longer a healthy relationship between the two. You are no longer able to perceive your real needs.

Then, your body and feelings wander while your mind tries to regain control. You may find yourself compulsively cleaning your house, overeating, or another form of compulsion, trying to alleviate pain that you don't know how to access.

It became practically impossible to control anything in your body and at your core.

This is a recurring and common problem, but it is not normal. How many people do you know are living on psychotropic drugs?

How many people have lost touch with reality and live in automatism and superficiality?

Many people are in this situation, unfortunately.


Stop denying, running away, or fighting;

· Stop wanting to control the situation;

· Start confrontation.

The only way to truly start taking care of yourself and begin your healing is to stop trying to move away from suffering, stop wanting to control, and begin removing each of the layers that cover your emotional body.

Stop and sit in a place where you can observe your breathing. Please close your eyes or keep them half-closed. You will be surprised.

How long has it been since you stopped and observed your body? You may have already tried but failed because you continued to struggle and tried to control the flow.

This is your first healing mission. It's a very difficult job because your mind will always be at the forefront, preventing you from feeling your body and breathing.

As you insist on doing this exercise, you begin to break down the armor, and gradually, you will start to get in touch with your body through your breathing.

You need to stop fighting, sit down, keep your spine and head straight, relax the rest of your body, and watch your breathing. You will certainly feel uncomfortable in your body; your breathing will be shallow, and your thoughts will distract you. But don't give up and don't fight, stay for a few minutes just like that.

The confrontation takes place while you dissolve your armor. Among them, you will have to deal with your resistance, which will make you self-sabotage and procrastinate. Believe you are capable!



Pretty Lady
Life And Technology

A love and psychology expert. I love writing, it makes me happy.