Learn to activate your self-healing power

Pretty Lady
4 min readApr 23, 2024


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

You first need to understand the meaning of being healthy.

According to the World Health Organization's Constitution, "Health is a complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease."

As you may have noticed, unfortunately, anyone has never achieved this complete state for a long time.

Simply put, health is full thought and attitude towards everything that dignifies your existence.

I did a lot of tests on myself, and at least in my experiences, I realized that all the healing methods that exist only help to cure, but if you don't take care of finding the source of the disease, it's just an improvement, not a complete cure.

Metaphorically speaking, illness is like a knife stuck in some part of your body, causing pain and suffering.

When you use a healing technique, whether integrative or conventional, it is as if something stops the blood and relieves the pain for some time, but until the knife is removed, the inflammation does not stop. Every time you need it, if you touch the affected area, it will hurt and bleed again.

The knife that is stuck in your body is known by many names, and the most common are doubt, fear, injustice, anger, and hurt—different names for the same thing.

The feeling that what happened should not have occurred, the doubt about why it happened, the anger at what happened, and the hurt towards those who caused the situation are all part of the same thing, only sliced.

To remove the knife from your body, you must first accept that if it hurts, it, therefore, exists. Some people believe that not accepting the illness or mental discomfort will help make the illness go away. Mistake!

Illness is a sign that the mind has not managed something well; something is stuck in your subconscious, like a virus installed in your CPU.

You must activate the antivirus before the virus will continue to generate incorrect responses and information, harming the good performance of the entire system.

To detect the source of illness or mental discomfort, you need to ask your body, which is you, some questions.

Let's assume you have chronic pain in some part of your body, such as knee or back pain, which is common among office workers.

Let’s see...

If you work sitting all day, you're not putting too much strain on your knees or back, so it's not how you sit that could have caused such intense pain that doesn't stop with anything.

You shouldn't have so much pain if you were an athlete since exercise is good for your body.

Let's assume that this pain has a mental origin, and this does not mean that it is not real, but rather that it was created by your mind to draw your attention to something unconscious.

Imagine that your body is a machine or a type of robot and that a part of the gear is not working as it should.

Let's assume that the robot's back is creaking when it tries to move and that the joints are not moving as expected.

In that case, what would you imagine is happening?

Could the parts be worn out due to a lot of use? Are the parts hard and stuck due to little use? Is there anything external preventing these parts of the gear from working well?

1. If the problem is caused by too much use, you would need to replace or refurbish the part.

2. If the problem were caused by little use, you would need to remove the rust, oil the piece, and use it constantly.

3. But if something is not working due to an external weight preventing the gear from moving, then you need to remove that weight.

In case 1, you will need surgery and change your life afterward.

In case 2, you will need to do physical exercises to improve the functioning of your body.

However, most people have the same problem as in case 3. It would help if you removed the extra weight, which has nothing to do with your body but is preventing it from functioning well.

It would help if you found the correct question, but in the case of the examples cited, they could be:

- Who or what could be riding on your back? Or who did you decide to carry on your back?

- Who do you need to bow to daily? Or who did you decide to bow to? Why were you forced to?

After discovering the cause, the knife will automatically dissolve, and the inflammation will cease, leading to pain.

From that moment on, any healing technique can help heal the mental wound, but the best thing is that you learn to heal yourself so you don't depend on anyone, especially during a pandemic.

The best self-healing techniques I have encountered are Yoga, meditation, Tai Chi Chuan, vegetarianism, veganism, intermittent fasting, dance, and cosmic ayahuasca.

All the abovementioned techniques can be practiced in your home without exposing your health.

Several teachers teach classes via Zoom, making your life a lot easier.

No more excuses. Start your self-healing today!



Pretty Lady

A love and psychology expert. I love writing, it makes me happy.