Write For Us !— Life And Technology

Welcome new writers to the publication.

Life And Technology


created by Canva

Hello everyone,

Life And Technology welcomes you to be part of this family. We are now accepting all the writers out there. Let us write and grow together.

We welcome you irrespective of the experience you have as a writer or the topic you choose to write. We eagerly wait to hear your stories. 😊

Please follow our publication — Life & Technology

Submission Guidelines.

We don’t have any restrictions but you can follow this to gain more readers.

I would like to share some aspects. If you are new to this platform, these guidelines will help your articles to be more engaging and irresistible to the readers.

1. Topic Selection.

You can choose any topic under this universe. We will consider it either to be part of Life or Technology 😊.

Everything comes under this publication.

You can find topics from your real-life experiences or as part of learning, you can teach us what you have learned so far.

Just make sure below.

