Interview with B3 Theater Board President Gabe Escudero, Part 2

Ilana Lydia
Life and the Performing Arts
3 min readAug 11, 2023


Part of our Artist Series of interviews

1. Tell us a little about yourself — what do you love?

A very boring answer for a theatre person, but the thing I love most is storytelling! Whether it be books, television, movies, videogames or theatre, I just love stories. They help us discover who we are, and they can help to us where we should be going. Both on an individual and collective level. Stories can grant us empathy. They can empower us. As artists, they can give us a way to push our communities in a certain direction if treated carefully.

2. Favorite animal?

Ooooooo tough one! I don’t think I have one. When I was super young, I played a video game called Ty the Tasmanian Tiger. So, I think I will say that is my favorite animal. They are extinct now, but I still got to give credit to the Thylacine! In terms of domesticated animals, I am probably more of a cat person than a dog person, but they both are cool!

3. Best restaurant in town?

In Peoria? There is a Mexican restaurant right by Theatreworks called Don Lencho’s, that I love to eat at when I’m in the area. I always order a bean burrito.

4. Best way to spend a Sunday afternoon?



Ilana Lydia
Life and the Performing Arts

A theater person/writer/reader of curiosities. A believer in wonder.