Fulfillment as a Process of Becoming 6

Creativity as a Monism Expressed in Plurality

Tomas Byrne
Life as Art
3 min readNov 6, 2022


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Creativity as Process

Our projects, which we authentically engage in, are actualizations of meaning and value, and depending on perspective, they are the problematic and/or the effect of pure process.

A process in which we authentically engage in projects, and manufacture meaning and value via coherent reflection, points to the primacy of the process of creativity itself.

The narrative we create, our overall interpretation of our instantiations of creativity and the creations that result, speaks directly to the process of creativity itself.

Creativity as Immanent not Transcendent

Creativity as the reality of life places the problem over solution, and engagement over results, but all of it is enacted immanently, the entire process constructed on the plane of pure immanence.

Our narratives are our ongoing self-interpretations of our participation in the process of creativity.

Our interpretations of what resonates, what enchants, what is remarkable, are nothing other than creative acts themselves, on a higher plane; provided we resist the temptation to elevate them to a transcendent or mystical field.

Creativity is a monism, but it is expressed in plurality and diversity, authenticities, meanings, values, that actualize and evolve; that connect via singularities and multiplicities, only to dissolve into the lines of flight and virtualities that are the genesis of existence itself.

Fulfillment in the Critical Freedom to Create

If there is an overarching narrative to life, it is the process of the return of pure difference.

When our crystallizations of specific narratives participate in that overall process, they become one with the how of life and lack the power to pull us out of our authentic engagements.

We engage in projects individually and socially; authentically, we create meaning in our lives; we create our values by living, existing, connecting socially, all of which obtain to a narrative based in coherence.

But our critical freedom and passion, the manner in which we participate in this process of narrative creation is nothing other than an expression of virtuality itself. It is radical freedom, pure aesthetic, life as art.

Fulfillment via Direct Participation in a Process of Pure Difference

Flourishing and fulfillment in life is intimate connection with and participation in a process of becoming; creating, producing and constructing in the field over a lifetime.

The return of difference permeates through us as a thick sense of fulfillment, that we incorporate into our next project and our overall lives. It evolves, is dynamic, not static. It is evolution itself.

This thick sense of fulfillment is internal and social, has personal resonance which is gained through the social expression of projects and interpretation of others’ projects over time.

Ultimately, it is our approximate experience of pure difference. Life is a process of engaging in projects, reflecting on meaning and value, re-engaging, re-reflecting.

Authenticity, and value and meaning creation, is reiterative, and is usually accompanied by further reflection seeking coherence over a lifetime, an overall vision of what it means to be authentic; to be a person that experiences meaning and value.

By direct participation in pure difference, we create our lives, we create fulfilling lives.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Thanks for reading!


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Excerpt from my forthcoming book, Becoming: A Life of Pure Difference (Gilles Deleuze and the Philosophy of the New) Copyright © 2022 by Tomas Byrne. Learn more here.



Tomas Byrne
Life as Art

Jagged Tracks Music, Process Philosophy, Progressive Ethics, Transformative Political Theory, Informed Thrillers, XLawyer tomas@tomasbyrne.com