
Life Through a Lens
7 min readDec 15, 2023

Sellie begins her hunt

Part 4

“Justice is Revenge with a sweet tooth”

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

The dawn, breaking clear and cold sees Sellie walking the shore in the red hue light.

She is setting her mind. She does not want to, will not, hesitate to do what she must in any situation she finds herself.

As the sun rises higher, she sits in the surf, feeling the energy of the ocean invigorating her body. She now knows she is ready.

Photo by Shifaaz shamoon on Unsplash

The sun is warming the land as she makes her way to Lady Primrose’s cottage. As when she was captive, Lady Primrose, was there, living next door to the brothers, watching.

Walking past her old prison, Sellie tried not to look, nor remember what happened to her. A darkness lingers over that dilapidated cottage. All the horror she endured came rushing back. To know someone else, someone she knows, is having to endure the same turns her stomach.

Soon the beautiful energy of Lady Primrose’s property began pulling Sellie out of her depression. In the courtyard she sees a woman clad only in a thin linen skirt tending to her garden.

“Come in, child! I am so glad to see you!”

Sellie can’t help but smile. Just as with Morena’s cottage, there is nothing but love and happiness.

As they sit down to tea and cake, Sellie is told about a second captive in her late teens or early 20s. She was sold to a cousin of the three brothers, a peat harvestor in business with his brother.

It seems the three brothers learned from their mistake with Sellie. They now put their captures into slave work. The young lady they have works on a fishing vessel. The other one is harvesting peat.

Lady Primrose’s son, Bryn walks in and joins the two for warmth and tea. He can’t help but stare at Sellie’s bare body, “You are so beautiful and now fit and strong!”

“That is all because of you people. Thank you!”

“We will do it again and again, Sellie.”

“Maybe there will not be another.” Sellie replied, smiling.

Sellie could not yet help the girl that is on the fishing vessel, but a plan was formed to get to the other girl. Bryn will take Sellie to the peat field and leave her. She and her rescue will make their way to a hidden beach to meet with him and then back to Lady Primrose.

As Sellie walks near the peat field, she can sense her kind near her. She keeps walking as the attraction gets stronger and, finally, sees her. She is disheveled and dirty, wearing muddy boots, an old dirty dress and older dirtier jacket.

“Hi. Do you know me?”

“Yes. But you must leave. They know you are here. They will kill you.”

“What is your name?”


“Come, Lucy. I am taking you to get your belongings and then home.”

Sellie takes her hand and begins leading her away. A large belly man begins running up to them. Lucy looks behind and begins to tremble.

“Is that one of your captors?”

“Yes. He is going to kill us!”

As he races up with a cutting tool raised to deal a death blow, Sellie drops her cloak, turns around and takes the tool from him. Lifting him off his feet by his neck, she bites off one ear. She then throws the man down into a muddy puddle as he screams in pain and fear.

Sellie straddles his torso and, with the tool at his throat, looks down on him, “You are a marked man now. Everyone will know that you are walking dead.”

She then retrieves her cloak and Lucy and walks away.

Lucy takes Sellie to her captor’s cottage to find her belongings. Before entering the dwelling, sellie burys her face into Lucy’s neck and takes a deep breath, smelling her essence. Leaving Lucy outside she begins sensing and smelling the traces of her belongings. Ripping a storage door off its hinges, she finds Lucy’s belongings wrapped in cloth behind cases of bootlegged whisky. She breaks open a number of cases and as the bottles spill and break, she tosses an ember from the smoldering fireplace onto the broken bottles.

As smoke rises high in the horizon behind them, the two meet with Bryn on the beach. Lucy quickly discards her clothes and washes, cleanse and rejuvenates herself in the ocean before wrapping up in a cloak. Bryan notices the smoke and smiles at Sellie, “No more bootleg for a bit?”

At Lady Primrose’s cottage, the three women sat down to an evening meal of fish and vegetables. Bryn was called out about an attempted murder of one of the Bruchard boys and the arson of their place.

Later that night Bryn returned with a puzzled look on his face. Turning to Sellie, “Did you bite his ear off?”

“I did.”

Lucy added, “We were walking away and he attacked us.”

Laughing, Bryn said he did not hear that part.

As night fell, Lady Primrose made a place for Lucy to sleep. Bryn stayed with them as Sellie left to visit the occupants next at the next door cottage.

Sellie quietly walked around the cottage where she was held prisoner, but, unlike this morning, there was no fear, no depression. Anger filled as she bangs on the door. Half drunken, the youngest brother, Paul clumsily opens the door.

“All, Sellie! Did you come by for a fuckin?”

Well, Paul, you were my favorite cock back in Dublin, but your brothers had to steal me away to this place. So I am a bit pissed!”

“My cousin was attacked today and their liquor caught fire and burned their place down. Did you do that? Should I call the authorities?”

Sellie began laughing, “If I had attacked anyone, they would be dead. If I wanted to harm you, you would be dead too. I came to see Joe and Mark.”

“Ah, but they are out fishing. Won’t be back until tomorrow evening.”

Sellie smiled and took Paul’s hand and they walked and talked about the fun she and he had in Dublin. About how mean his brothers are. And what has happened since she left.

Not thinking, Paul told her they had a captive on the boat and they were having their way with her. Paul was not involved. He was too busy with a young girl his cousins had working until she ran off this morning.

Stopping on the shoreline near the docks, Sellie took off her robe to pranced around to show off her body to Paul. “Want some of my ass? You always liked me that way.”

“You mean here? Now?”

“Yes in the surf like we did back in Dublin.”

Sellie began walking provocatively to him and rubbed his erection through his pants. As she turned and began walking into the water, Paul was yelling for her to wait as he hurriedly discarded his pants and the bottle of whisky he had been sipping.

Deeper into the water they both ventured until Paul could not touch bottom.

“Wait. It’s too deep. We need to go to the shallows.”

Sellie turned around with a smile on her face, “Not deep enough you piece of shit!”

She then swam back to shore with Paul struggling to stay afloat.

In the faint light cast by the nearby docks, dark images could be seen circling around Paul. One bite, then a push, then a tail hitting him. Another bite, then an explosion of water, foam and blood.

Sellie returned to Lady Primrose’s cottage with a cloth duffle belonging to the second captive. She found it exactly where the brothers had hid her belongings.

The next morning was crisp and clear with an inviting sun streaming into the warm cottage. The three women were having tea when Bryn walked in looking pale.

Lucy asked what was wrong. In a quiet voice, Bryn told them that Paul was found washed on the shore. Looks like shark attack. His clothes and a bottle of whisky were found nearby.

Lucy gasped and then cried. She told the others how Paul would take turns with the Bruchard brothers raping her.

Sellie, smiled, he will no longer harm you, nor anyone.

Lucy asked about the other brothers and the girl they have.

Sellie smiled and said nothing.

Later in the day, Bryn reported that the two surviving brothers are in port. They are in the pub drowning their sorrows of loosing their baby brother to the sea. They left their slave on the boat chained to the engine.

Sellie found the boat just as Bryn said, moored in 4 meters of water. Opening the hatch to the engine compartment she found a very dirty naked lady pulling at the manifold of the engine.

“Hello, Hanna. You look like shit!”

“Mother! Stop being judgmental and get me out of here!”

Sellie quickly unchained her daughter. After a quick hug, they, wrapped in cloaks begin walking back to the brother’s cottage.

“Are you strong enough to help me take care of those two idiots?”

With a nod from Hannah, they broke into the cottage to wait for the brothers.

Sitting on the beach watching with the now burning boat drifting into deeper water, Hanna sighed, “I will never seduce another man nor woman again.”

Sellie looked over and began laughing. “Ok. Ok. That was bulshit. I promise I will seduce only old rich men. Ok. And women.”

“Let’s go, daughter before you tell more lies.”

Low morning clouds and rain greated the three women in Morena’s cottage. After breakfast, Sellie will take the two young ladies back to Dublin.

Ian comes in from the rain and greets his mother’s guests with news. A boat moored off the harbor caught fire and two badly mauled and burned bodies were recovered in the surf.

The authorities were trying to ID the bodies and determine if they were mauled or burned first.

Sellie grinned a bit, “Mauled first.”

Her two recues began laughing.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3



Life Through a Lens

Shamanism, Buddhism, Reiki, Naturism, Animism are the stones that lay my path. Do we need others to tell us how we must walk? We all have the same destination.