Morning of Redemption

Life Through a Lens
3 min readOct 27, 2023

Part 3

Photo by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash

Sellie abruptly woke up. She heard herself calling her name. So she thought. All she could hear is the wind sweeping the cottage with the falling rain. It took a minute for her to realize where she is. Next to her skin is the man she had sex with last night, Ian. His nude body as beautiful as it was last night. In the glow of the peat fire she traced, with her eyes, the various clan tattoos on his body. The largest is a meandering snake figure stretching from his throat, around his left chest and down towards his penis to be lost in his pubic hair which makes her wonder if she should explore to see where it is going.

The old clock upstairs is striking 5 times. The Witching Hour. She sighs, thinking how she got to this place of tranquility. She doesn’t want to move, doesn’t want to leave. But she knows this attraction is not real, never will be. Can not be. She is not of his kind, nor he of her’s. She is not destined to be his lover no more than she could live with his kind.

She has a task ahead that requires her to seperate her emotions from the reality she will enter today. Today is her day of redemption, today she will become a rescuer, protector, judge and jury.

She lays motionless in contemplation, feeling rhythmic breathing of Ian. This may be the last time she sees, feels him. No matter. She must go.

Certain that Morena is up, Sellie quietly slides off the bed and walks upstairs.

“Good morning. I thought you were going to sleep all day.”

Morena, as normal, is standing in the kichen tending to her morning ritual of cleansing and preparing herbs to be used in poultices and tinctures. Much apparant was the exact same tattoos on her body as her grandsons.

“Here, I have boiled herring and kelp for ya.”

Sellie sits down and begans eating, “What is that snake tattoo from your neck down mean. I saw the same on Ian.”

“Well, mine is a bit longer having to traverse my big boob.” Laughed Morena, “It is the sign of the Clan Leader. Ian will take my place when I am gone. You know the tit spiral for the Covenant with the other three Clans. The others are our mystical protection and hold us connected to our ancestors.

“Will Ian’s child have the same tattoos?”


“Are you always naked in the morning?”

Morena pauses for a moment, then speaks, “Like you, I am, we all are, children of Mother Earth. It saddens me so much to insult her by wearing clothes over her creation, but, at times, I must. I am happiest when I am as she intends me. So I am almost always without clothing”

Sellie nods her head in agreement. Then quietly finishes eating. She rises and hugs Morena, grabs the cloak and her satchel and begins walking out the door.

“Will you be back?”

“I don’t know what is going to happen. I do not want to involve you any more than I already have.”

“Be safe, then.”

With that blessing, Sellie walks out into the black morning rain.

Part 1

Part 2



Life Through a Lens

Shamanism, Buddhism, Reiki, Naturism, Animism are the stones that lay my path. Do we need others to tell us how we must walk? We all have the same destination.