Don’t Believe Everything You Think


Dasean Barnes
Law of Vibes
1 min readJul 20, 2018


Our EGOs as kids: "You can totally jump over that house!" .

Our EGOs as adults: "You'll never live in a house like that" .

The more negative content, judgemental behavior and bad vibes we absored during the day. Determines the strength or weakness of the voice inside us that tells us to DO or DONT DO. .

The lack of energy and motivation to pursue our dreams comes from the daily beat downs we allow our EGOs and will power to go thru. .

Good things are supposed to happen to you but you have to be open to them. You have to be open to the gift the universe wants to give you. Your EGO can be a wall or a doorway to that gift. But just like a plant it needs norishment everyday to grow. .

But your EGO is sensitive and wants to protect you at all times from harm, failure and hurt. So it will avoid anything that has the potential to cause these even if the outcome could be great. .

What would you do if you knew you could not fail? . .

LIVE LONG AND LEVEL UP 🖖🏽 @Dasean_Barnes



Dasean Barnes
Law of Vibes

Creator, Artist, Futurist, Digital Strategist. Live , Love Laugh & Filter out the Noise. Osiris3 and Shado Founder