A Postcard from the Heart: Crafting Messages of Peace

Lala Sabila
Life at Campaign #ForABetterWorld
4 min readNov 2, 2023

Hi, I’m Lala, Marketing & Communications Manager at Campaign, and I’d like to share a story with you. My journey into the world of promoting Freedom of Religion or Belief (FORB) started unexpectedly.

It all began at an annual learning event with Asia REF, where we explored the state of FORB in different countries. Those three days were eye-opening.

But amidst the world’s conflicts and divisions, something incredible was unfolding. It was driven by the unique spirit of Generation Z and millennials.

They weren’t just dreaming of peace, unity, and protecting FORB; they were taking action, using the superpower of social media to lead a heartwarming peace revolution. These young leaders, comprising over 30% of the global population, were driving this positive change.

I vividly remember sitting in a small room, surrounded by young creators from diverse backgrounds, sharing their stories of struggle and resilience.

One young woman, who had overcome religious discrimination in her own community, spoke passionately about the need for unity. Her story of transformation left a lasting impact on me, fueling my commitment to this cause.

Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, and millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, are leading a new era. Their shared values, digital skills, and global connections empower them to advocate for peace and religious freedom like never before.

In this article, I’ll take you on a meaningful journey by sharing stories that have profoundly shaped my perspective on the significance of promoting Freedom of Religion or Belief (FORB).

Creator Space: This Youth Can Training

Understanding FORB: A Core Human Right

Before we dive into the practical steps, it’s essential to grasp the essence of Freedom of Religion or Belief (FORB) as a core human right. According to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), FORB encapsulates the right to believe or not believe as one’s conscience leads, to live out one’s beliefs openly and peacefully, and to do so without fear.

It encompasses the freedoms of thought, conscience, expression, association, and assembly. It’s not only recognized by international law and treaties but also stands as a vital element of national security. This understanding underlines why advocating for FORB is critical in creating a more peaceful, prosperous, and stable world.

Now, let’s explore how we can translate these principles into impactful actions.

  1. Start with Empathy and Inclusive Language
    Picture this: to foster unity and understanding, you start by acknowledging the concerns of different religious groups. Use language that promotes inclusivity and avoids divisiveness.
  2. Educate and Inform with Clarity
    Let’s get real here — raising awareness about FORB is crucial. Use clear graphics, concise explanations, and insightful statistics to inform your audience about the importance of safeguarding religious freedom.
  3. Highlight Common Ground
    Emphasize shared values among religions. It’s all about compassion, empathy, and a shared commitment to peace. Show that religious differences need not be barriers to unity.
  4. Foster Constructive Dialogue
    Creating a peace-building program is a pivotal step in promoting Freedom of Religion or Belief (FORB). It provides a space for open and constructive conversations about religious discrimination, enabling individuals to express their concerns and learn from each other. Creator Space: This Youth Can serves as a shining example of this approach. Through this program, we brought together young voices from diverse backgrounds to engage in productive dialogues and find common ground.
  5. Use Storytelling
    One of the most potent tools in promoting FORB is storytelling. Personal narratives can break down barriers and humanize the challenges and successes of individuals striving for religious freedom. For example, Arisdo, a creator from Creator Space: This Youth Can, has created content that illustrates the impact of storytelling. Oftentimes, they have very limited chances to speak up about religion and belief and make their voice heard. By sharing inspiring personal stories of individuals who have overcome religious biases, they have ignited a wave of understanding, acceptance, and unity. These stories showcase the possibility of bridging divides and fostering peace.
  6. Maintain Positivity
    Keep it upbeat. Share stories of successful interfaith events that have led to understanding and collaboration. Celebrate the positive change that emerges from unity.
  7. Engage Through Visuals and Multimedia
    Create visually engaging content. Think infographics and multimedia that illustrate the history and impact of religious freedom.
  8. Collaborate for Impact
    Forge partnerships with local organizations, human rights groups, and influential faith leaders. Together, you amplify your message and reach a broader audience.
  9. Engaging Decision-Makers
    My journey also showed me the significance of connecting with decision-makers. Be an advocate for policies that protect religious freedom. Share well-crafted content to earn their support and drive positive change.
  10. Measure and Adapt
    In this digital age, tracking content engagement is key. Monitor shares, comments, and direct messages, using these metrics to evaluate your content strategy and make necessary adjustments for future initiatives.

In our journey through complexity, these steps possess the incredible potential to bring people together, spark inspiration, and promote healing on a deeply human level.

Together, we can amplify the voices of peace and FORB advocates worldwide, fostering a future where the light of understanding and compassion shines ever brighter.



Lala Sabila
Life at Campaign #ForABetterWorld

A curious storyteller. Always, always get up to swing, follow my insticts down the line. I fall in love with being alive.