Open 4 Collaboration: The Power of 4 in Campaign

Life at Campaign #ForABetterWorld
5 min readJun 26, 2023

Welcome to a world where the number 4 ignites our passion #ForABetterWorld. We’re unlocking the power of open collaboration across 4 essential collaborators via the Campaign app, setting in motion a journey for lasting impact. 🙏🌏

Today, the pressing need for social change is more apparent than ever. From climate change to social inequality, our challenges are vast and complex, requiring collaborative efforts and diverse perspectives to drive impactful solutions.

However, harnessing these diverse perspectives and collaborative efforts is often easier said than done. The social sector is filled with passionate individuals and organizations eager to make a difference, but coordinating these energies towards a unified goal can be daunting. The gap between intention and action, between individual effort and collective impact, remains a significant hurdle to social change.

So, how do we bridge this gap?

Enter Campaign’s innovative ‘Open 4 Collaboration’ model, powered by our award-winning Campaign app.

Campaign is a social action platform that thrives on the synergy of 4 pivotal collaborators. These key players constitute the backbone of our app, creating a dynamic ecosystem that propels social change. At the heart of the app lie our challenges — series of actions like photo or video uploads, undertaken by supporters to unlock donations from sponsors.

Every photo or video is a testament of action taken, each expressing support for a social issue. These are meticulously verified by our Trust and Safety team to ensure alignment with the challenge guidelines set by the organizer and sponsor. This verification process does more than maintain the integrity of our challenges. It fosters a deeper understanding and support for the organizers and their cause, and crucially, bridges the gap between intention and action, as well as fosters meaningful connections between sponsors and organizers.

💌 Our 4 Collaborators: An Open Invitation

  1. 📣 Our Organizers: Meet the conductors of our symphony of change. They’re the ones who harness our app to breathe life into our projects. With creativity and passion, they amplify their voice and their cause, harnessing our platform’s resources for maximum impact. Feeling the pull to take the spotlight as an organizer? Uncover the potential here.
  2. 🔑 Our Sponsors: A massive shoutout to our sponsors — the catalysts for our campaign challenges. With their generous contributions, initiatives that drive real change become reality. Through our app, sponsors increase visibility and contribute directly to the causes they cherish. Want to unlock a world of difference as a sponsor? All the details are here.
  3. 🚀 Our Supporters: These incredible individuals are the heartbeat of our movement! Using our app, they power our initiatives, spreading the word, and showing their commitment through photos and videos. They’re a global community working together #ForABetterWorld. Ready to join this dynamic community of supporters? Explore the possibilities here for Android user and here for iOS user.
  4. 💙 Our Team Members: Last but not least, we honor our extraordinary team members. These are the unsung heroes working behind the scenes, ensuring that our app facilitates the actions and donations that power each campaign. At Campaign, they find a fulfilling career, growth opportunities, and the chance to be part of a company making a tangible impact. Dream of joining our team? Start your journey here.

Each of the 4 collaborators are essential, and we welcome individuals and organizations to join us in any capacity they choose. Together, we are ready #ForABetterWorld! 🌏🤝

One Challenge, 4 Collaborators

As we delve into how our ‘Open 4 Collaboration’ model works, let’s take a closer look at the #GembiraBangunSekolah campaign launched by Happy Hearts Indonesia on our Campaign app.

This campaign aimed to rebuild schools in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), a region where inadequate infrastructure severely hinders educational access. The campaign embodied the spirit of ‘Open 4 Collaboration,’ uniting all 4 collaborators to provide children with the right to quality education in a safe and conducive environment.

Organizers: Leading The Charge

Meet Happy Hearts Indonesia, the happy genius behind the #GembiraBangunSekolah campaign challenge. They set the stage with two engaging actions: capturing a heart-shaped hand gesture and sharing a snapshot of their educational institutions. These 2 simple actions not only amplified the campaign’s message but also unlocked the sponsor’s generous Rp 50.000 donation. The raised funds were directed towards rebuilding schools in Nusa Tenggara Timur, a tangible impact driven by their thoughtful leadership. This is the power of collaboration when channeled with creativity and purpose.

Sponsors: Fueling The Campaign

Sponsors like Yayasan Dunia Lebih Baik infuse life into these campaigns with their pledged donations, unlocked when supporters complete challenges. This interaction boosts the sponsors’ visibility and lets them contribute directly to causes. Their generous sponsorship of Rp 73,100,000 unlocked the potential to drive real change and allowed them to support a cause they deeply cared about. This campaign wouldn’t have been possible without their trust and support.

Supporters: Rising to the Challenge

Our community of supporters was the heartbeat of the #GembiraBangunSekolah campaign. An impressive 1,776 supporters participated in the challenge, taking 3,032 actions. They spread the word about the campaign, shared images that symbolised their hope for the future of Indonesian education, and took concrete actions to help unlock the sponsor’s donation. Each supporter was a piece of the puzzle, and their collective effort was key to the campaign’s success.

Team Members: Behind-The-Scenes Heroes

And of course, our dedicated team members ensured the smooth running of the campaign behind the scenes. From facilitating communications to providing technical support, they worked tirelessly to support all parties involved in the campaign. Their hard work ensured that the collaborative efforts of the sponsors, organizers, and supporters were successfully translated into real-world impacts.

Together #ForABetterWorld

By harnessing the collective efforts of these four roles, the #GembiraBangunSekolah campaign generated meaningful change and brought us one step closer to achieving our shared vision #ForABetterWorld. The power of 4 in action — this is the heart of ‘Open 4 Collaboration’.

Are you ready to be a part of this change? Whether you’re a potential sponsor, organizer, supporter, or team member, there’s a place for you in our ‘Open 4 Collaboration’ model. We’re ready for you. Together, we’re ready #ForABetterWorld! 🌏🤝

#Social #Startup #Indonesia #Open4Collaboration



Life at Campaign #ForABetterWorld

Campaign adalah platform aksi sosial yang menghubungkan Organizer, Individu, dan Sponsor untuk dunia yang lebih baik. Cek dampak kami di