4 Steps Businesses Should Take to Exploit the Trend of Pokémon Go

Learn how your business can benefit from the world’s latest obsession

Ayip Fahmi Faturochman
Life at Catalyst
6 min readJul 17, 2016


Last Thursday, my workmates and I went for an afternoon jog session. I observed an interesting scenery; so many people were glued to their phone while they jogged, and I meant REALLY glued to their phone. I decided to take a little peek onto some of their phones, and yes, my prediction was bang on. These people were playing Pokémon Go, trying to catch all the Pokémons there while they were jogging. It really is kind of amazing/intriguing/scary to see the worldwide domination of Pokémon Go and how it has affected people in so many different ways.

Unless you’ve been living under the rocks for the past 7 days, by now you’ll probably have heard (or maybe got a little bit sick of hearing) about Pokémon Go. Since its initial release on July 6th 2016, Pokémon Go has dominated the news circuit. Countless coverage, reaction videos, and even memes have been released by various media outlets, ranging from Forbes to Buzzfeed to 9GAG. In just 1 week, Pokémon Go has become a worldwide phenomenon that successfully achieved so many milestones. Let me break down some of these mind-blowing stats:

· Pokémon Go has been downloaded more times in one week compared to dating app Tinder has in its lifetime existence of four years

· Pokémon Go now has attracted more daily active users than Twitter

· Pokémon Go is being played in average 43 minutes/day, surpassing Snapchat and Instagram’s daily average length of usage

· Pokémon Go has become the fastest mobile game to top Android and iOS charts.

· Pokémon Go is now the all time biggest mobile game in US with just under 21 million daily active users

Image Source: SurveyMonkey.com

Such amazing feats to be accomplished in a mere few days, right? No wonder if more and more businesses from every sectors are now competing to associate themselves with this phenomenon. In U.S., Pokémon Go itself has already helped many businesses, ranging from restaurants, bars, to tech companies, to gain new customers.

Image Source: 9GAG.com

In Indonesia, some of the most notable companies like Gojek have also inserted Pokémon-themed content into their marketing campaign.

Image Source: CNNIndonesia.com

So, the big question now for many entrepreneurs or business owners out there is : how to ensure that your business can be escalated using the Pokémon Go trend? Here are a few steps in which your business can do so:

1. Make sure you have a ‘ Pokémon Trainer’ in your team

These people will be your go-to resource in formulating strategies on how to gain whatever your business wants by riding this trend. So if you see a workmate that are very invested/addicted in this game, don’t get annoyed, get smart. Seize the opportunity, and utilize their skills & knowledge to achieve the company’s goal.

If you don’t have any ‘trainer’ in your company; well, it’s time to jump into the hysteria and familiarize yourself with it (click here for a short and simple guide on how to play Pokémon Go, learn all of the important lingos and terms here!)

Experience what people have been gushing about, and have fun. Maybe you can start building quick hypotheses on how this game can help your business while you’re walking around the neighborhood catching Dragonite and Doduo.

2. GO! dive in into the world and start identifying the important stuff

Now that you’re completely immersed into this awesome AR universe, start answering the ‘real-deal’ questions to help you build more advanced strategies. Is your office a PokéStop (locations where you can gather various items that will become your Pokémon hunting supplies, such as ball, berry, egg, and potion)? Is it a PokéGym(locations where you can battle the Pokémon of opposing teams)? Are there any PokéStops or PokéGyms nearby? Get to know your surroundings so you’ll know how you can transform your business location into a go-to Poké-spot!

3. Begin the strategy building

List down all the possible scenarios and let the strategy-building begin.

-Scenario A: If your business location is a PokéStops:

Satisfy players to load up on PokéBalls and potions to make sure your customers are ready for another Poké-hunt! Set up a “Lure Module” yourself, or better yet, ask your customers to set this up- and give them something in return! As the name says, a “Lure Module” will lure Pokémon hunters to your business for 30 minutes. It is one of the most popular Pokémon Go related strategies that has proven to be effective to attract new customers for many local businesses in U.S.

Image Source: business.asiaone.com

- Scenario B: If your business location is a Pokémon Gym:

Set up team battles or make this Gym controlled by a certain Pokémon Go team. Host thematic team nights and satisfy your customers with team related promotions. This is another well-known strategies that has been applied in various hangout spots in U.S.

Image Source: Marketplace.org
Image Source: 9GAG.com

-Scenario C: If you are surrounded by a PokéStops/PokéGyms:

You hit the mother load! Try to set up a “Lure Farming Session” (several lure module activated with overlapping area of effect)

- Scenario D: If your business is none of the above:

Set up a charging station, you know how draining Pokémon hunting is for our trainers’ phone.

- Scenario E: If you don’t have any Pokémon Spawning nearby:

Set up a hunting event with your loyal customers and be patient for the next update :)

4. Bond with fellow trainers while you grow your business!

When you finally attract customers from these Pokémon Go-based strategies, actively engage with them. Keep gaining insight, and polish the strategy based on those insights if you have to.

Develop a deeper relationship with these potential loyal customers. Tap the communal spirit and collective excitement that these Pokémon Go players’ share.

Pokémon Go universe provide numerous opportunities for you to develop your business. From tourism, transportation, logistic, to telecommunication business, all can taste the sweet impact of its success. Cross your fingers and hope that the Pokémon Go trend is sustainable for the long run because in the future, you can sign up for sponsored location and hopefully lure more trainers to your venue!

One important note to remember if your business want to ride the Pokémon Go’s wave is to do it as soon as possible, when the trend is still at its peak. If you think all of the strategies above demand too much energy, time, and commitment, you can start by doing really simple things such as posting content to your business’ social media account with tailor-made message responding to Pokémon Go phenomenon. Staying relevant to all things popular is always a good thing to do for your business.

So why don’t you start catching more customers for your business while having fun catching all the Pokémons?

P.S. : Interested in having a deeper conversation about utilizing Pokémon Go for your business purpose? Or you want to just discuss more about Pokémon Go’s hacks, tips, and tricks? Don’t hesitate to e-mail us at hello@catalystrategy.com with the subject ‘Pokémon Go’. Our resident Pokémon Trainers will be happy to answer all of your burning questions!

Authors: Ayip Fahmi & Shula Arto

Editor: Desy Bachir

*Authors and editor also acknowledge the help of our resident Pokémon Trainers, Jerry Alamsjah and Indra Kuntara, in this article writing. Much love!



Ayip Fahmi Faturochman
Life at Catalyst

Analyst at Catalyst Strategy. Media and pop culture enthusiast.