CRG Year in Review: DiversiChime

Talent at Chime
Life at Chime
Published in
5 min readJan 27, 2021

In the early days of Chimer Resource Groups (CRGs) at Chime, DiversiChime was a home for groups that didn’t have enough representation to form their own CRGs. It was created as the space to cultivate a sense of community and has since birthed several CRGs as Chime has grown — like AfroChime and Chimmigrants. But DiversiChime is still going strong and had a great 2020.

DiversiChime’s mission is to create safe spaces for all Chimers to develop a sense of community, celebrate diversity, and become better allies and accomplices together. Syeda Lee is DiversiChime’s co-lead and has been part of the group since its beginning.

Syeda Lee, a DiversiChime co-lead

Why DiversiChime — and all CRGs — matter

As one of the first CRGs created at Chime, DiversiChime represents the core belief at Chime that to serve our diverse member base, we need to understand their needs and challenges. In order to do that, we must cultivate a work environment that includes people who share those experiences and backgrounds. According to Syeda, “Recruiting can only do so much — building community is what keeps people happy at Chime and makes us not only a better place to work, but better able to serve our members. We want Chime to be a place where Chimers can bring their full selves to work — and a service that allows members to be their full selves, too.”

Being a co-lead of the group helps Syeda live this sentiment, too. It impacts how she thinks about her interactions with members and drives her to develop a deeper sense of empathy. “Interacting with people from CRGs who come from different cultures helps me continuously change the lens through which I see things,” she says. “It makes me a better colleague, employee, and person.”

As a co-lead, Syeda also expands her experience at Chime by working with people outside her department. CRGs are a wonderful way to get to know other Chimers, become an ally, and learn about causes that matter to you. What’s more, with the over 370 new Chimers who were onboarded during the pandemic in 2020, many have never met in person.

“CRGs have provided new and old Chimers a way to connect during the time when we can’t be in the office together, they make getting to know each other in an organic way just a little bit easier,” Syeda says.

“Having a way to connect with coworkers over topics that aren’t work related makes me excited to meet all our new hires and look forward to future Chimers. There are so many creative, smart, passionate people from diverse backgrounds joining Chime, and that’s really inspiring,” she explains.

Defining moments of 2020

DiversiChime had many achievements in 2020, but a few defining moments stand out.

  • Inspiring the launch of new CRGs: In early 2020, DiversiChime hosted a discussion panel where Chimers shared their experiences as immigrants. Not only was the event educational and a way for Chimers to better empathize with each other, but it also spurred the creation of another CRG, Chimmigrants.
  • Focusing on inclusivity: DiversiChime organized Bring Your Kid to Chime Week to help Chime parents feel supported, included, and help Chimers get to know each other. “Especially with COVID, it has been hard for parents as they deal with home life, work, children, and more,” Syeda says. “We wanted parents to feel like they could truly bring their whole selves to work and for their kids to get engaged with the Chime community.” They organized a virtual animal sanctuary tour and show and tell for kids and a presentation on what Chime does so that Chime kids could better understand their parents.
  • Educating all Chimers about the election: Through Voter Education Month, a joint CRG effort, DiversiChime helped lead multiple sessions to educate Chimers before they cast their votes. They shared information on the voting system, things to know before Chimers cast their ballots, and a panel discussion on how voting impacts different communities. “Chimers shared their vast range of experiences with voting, such as growing up in a household where voting mattered or realizing that a ballot had a major impact on their life,” says Syeda. “We wanted Chimers to be educated and understand the diverse experiences people have during voting season.”

A willingness to share stories — and listen to one another

Perhaps the biggest takeaway — and win — of 2020 was the community DiversiChime has fostered through its work, according to Syeda. “Our community and willingness to share our stories has blown us all away and kept us connected at a time when the world can feel very disconnected,” she says.

During DiversiChime’s Winter Social, people shared their favorite holiday traditions over Zoom. “Our group is about finding our shared experiences and realizing that we are all kindred, connected spirits — especially in this increasingly virtual world,” Syeda says.

Though sharing and listening to one another’s stories has brought the DiversiChime community together, it’s also been hard to stay in tune with the group’s needs without overwhelming them. With events happening virtually, in addition to Chimers spending much of their time on Zoom to begin with, the group’s leads have had to listen to Chimers’ needs and feedback to make sure they’re striking a balance between fun, community building, and high impact events for DiversiChimers.

To do that, they’ve measured attendance, asked for feedback, and listened — not just to each others’ stories, but to the current shared experience, too.

Looking forward: DiversiChime in 2021

DiversiChime has a lot to look forward to in 2021. They’re launching the Chimer cookbook, featuring Chimer-sourced recipes and their accompanying stories. They’ll also continue to host virtual events and strive to strike a healthy balance with other CRGs, focusing on high impact activities that keep Chimers connected without overwhelming them.

