Not this year

Talent at Chime
Life at Chime


Every year on June 1, we swap our logo from our green Chime name to a logo including a rainbow, or unicorn, or pride flag. Every year, OutChime joins the LGBTQIA community and its allies to gather and march to commemorate the Stonewall uprising of 1969 and celebrate the modern gay rights movement. Every year, we gather to remember the history and experience of being a minority group. Every year, we commemorate and continue the struggle to be accepted for who we are. Every year, we celebrate the beautiful community, solidarity, and unity we have.

Not this year.

This year, we’re swapping our green Chime logo out for a blackout logo. This year, we are not celebrating pride but instead mourning the lives of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many more. This year, we are remembering the roots of Pride in the resistance of police and societal harassment at the Stonewall Inn. This year, we recognize that the gay rights movement has helped us live freely, but millions of black Americans still cannot do so. This year, we acknowledge that our community, the black community, and all marginalized communities must achieve equality for any of us to be equal. This year, we are feeling the grief, and the sadness, and the realization that our work is not done because we are not all free.

We’re able to celebrate Pride because decades ago, thousands — if not millions — of people fought for our rights. Today, we must take a stand, demand justice, and fight for the rights of black lives.

This year — for the month of June and as long as it takes for change to take root — OutChime stands in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. With our shared understanding of oppression, fear, and feeling like our own lives don’t matter, we will push back, offer support, and take action with the black community because we believe that Black Lives Matter. We commit to taking the actions that those words require.

