The Naam-Bhullakkad Ladka: New Shy in the Office

Life at Collegedunia
4 min readJul 21, 2020

By Shahid Baig

Everyone has beautifully mentioned how they made great memories at Collegedunia. Some of them felt like home, some had to learn 365 lessons. I guess someone had to leave their Fathers’ Family Business. Wow..!!

I just took some time, scratched my head, started thinking, “Should I write with the same flow and structure of how my life was miserable before and all of a sudden it became “It’s the time to Disco” kind”. Naah. It was actually a rollercoaster journey.

I remember the last round of my Interview, when the Interviewer (she is really sweet) asked me, “Automotive Design Engineer” se “Content Writer”. Are you sure?

Maybe somewhere she understood through my body language. A guy who flew from Bangalore, with no sleep, completely tired, was sitting so firmly; she knew I had an answer to it.

As soon as I joined Collegedunia, things became beautiful. No No, I am not bragging. I was just 25, kind of elder to most of the people, and still, I was not treated as Uncle. HAHA. Yeah, I do make fun of myself sometimes.

My first day was awesome. I said Hello to 10 people and all of them replied with a bright smile saying, “Hi”

Woah. Is this normal? Back in my previous job, people used to feel jealous if someone used to laugh or smile. Are THESE people weird.? Slowly and steadily, I could feel my wounds and scars of my horrifying past, healing. I made great friends, even with those who joined the same day with me. We were all good with each other.

When you shift your life from one place to another, you search for positive energy. I am the kind of person who will try to avoid those negative vibes and accept the good ones. See, there is a thin line between a Healthy Work environment and

Toxic work life. I am lucky that I found the former case, within the first few weeks.

Jhanvi ( I use an extra ‘h’ after J, I don’t know why, Please don’t edit this),

Shivani (the SEO girl), Ayush (the “Hey man, Wassup” guy), Ninkesh (he left recently, I guess), Kritika (Frizza ki sabse shant ladki) and many more with whom I could feel that kind of positivity. This made me believe that I am really lucky to be here.

I was an experienced guy in a different work domain, still, our Content Head was always made me feel like a member of Collegedunia Family. He used to listen to my blunt suggestions and corrected me later. I thank him for not laughing at my face, because I was really silly.

My TL, who is the coolest guy I have met, I enjoy working with him. I just wish thoda stress kam liya kare woh HAHA. #Vivek

My teammates; the most lovely people I have ever met. They were so happy to accept me in the group that they named me “Uncle” after a few months.


Naa Naa. They call me PIDUDU (Odia for Guava). Don’t Ask. Long Story.

I mean literally, I was friendless for the first one month in this new city called Gurgaon, and now I love my Office so much. I eagerly wait for Monday to arrive so that I can go back to work. For each published article, I feel a sense of achievement. And this did not happen all of a sudden. When you find that kind of work environment around you where people support you, help you learn, help you move ahead, it gets absorbed organically.

I was battling Depression when I landed at Gurgaon; never realized I would love myself again. Never thought those beautiful evenings near the Chai Point every day, would make me fall in love with myself, again.

And believe me, this is how life is. Realistic One. It’s tough. It’s bad. But there will be a silver lining to every dark cloud that shadows on you. You just need to hang in there and stay positive.

I restarted my career at 25. I am confident even more than what I was, back in 2016, when I graduated. I will never regret this decision which I took for myself.

Yes, I am 25, I have just started, and I am happy. This is what matters to me right now.



Life at Collegedunia

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