Joseph: The Lil Wayne Of Copywriting

Life @ Digital
Life At Digital
Published in
3 min readNov 9, 2017

From a London attic to a big glass box in the middle of Haarlemmermeer — life moves fast for Joseph Richardson, one of Team Digital’s three resident wordsmiths.

But how do you persuade people to ship with TNT? And is it OK for a 29-year-old copywriter from Nottingham to compare himself to Lil Wayne? Let’s lift the lid.

First things first: should we call you Joseph or something different?

I have lots of monikers. My rap name is ‘Yung Ricco’. I also go by the name of ‘Ricó’. Additionally, my sports and lifestyle brand is ‘#JR7’. Currently, I’m trying to push ‘Yoseph’ part of my continental European rebrand.

OK Yung Ricco. Which track should people play while reading this?

I would say anything from Lil Wayne’s Tha Carter III — the seminal rap album of the last ten years.

Why Tha Carter III?

It’s gone on to influence the current generation of rappers we see today. It’s also an album that means a lot to me, maybe the one I’ve listened to most in my life. Lil Wayne’s a wordsmith, just like myself. He puts his own spin on every word, as I try to do.

So basically you think you’re a rapper.

I don’t spend as much time in the booth as I’d like to. But I do see a parallel between rappers and copywriters. We all earn our crust putting words on a page: telling stories, conveying meaning, connecting with audiences. Admittedly different audiences.

Describe Joseph Richardson, the copywriter, in five words.

Messaging first. And razor sharp.

Now describe Joseph Richardson, the man, in five words.

A nice chap, deceptively handsome.

London to Hoofddorp is a road many have considered, but few have travelled. What made you go for it?

Well, the job description said Amsterdam. I want to put that on the record. I was under the impression that Hoofddorp was a cool and quirky part of Amsterdam. By the time I’d done my research, I’d been sold the TNT dream and was already committed.

Describe your TNT Digital magnum opus.

I’m proud of the work I’ve done with the Mobile team. They’ve developed a great app and I think the copy complements it nicely. It’s fresh and professional, without being overly formal.

Then there’s myTNT 2, our new shipping platform. We’re migrating customers onto it from a tool they’ve been using for years, so messaging selection in the communications is really important. I’ve enjoyed that challenge.

My table tennis game has also really improved here. That might be the thing I’m most proud of.

We plucked you from a London agency. What’s it been like working in-house at TNT Digital in comparison?

I worked for a small, independent agency, so the scale of this place is a big step up. It’s much more international too. There are people from lots of different countries and cultures here, which is great.

You also get to work closely with a broader mix of professionals. I’m talking Designers, Product Owners, Creatives, Developers, UXers, as well as people from the wider business. I love that.

What do you find charming about Hoofddorp?

I’ve found ways to keep myself busy. I like the bar scene. You’ve got the Novotel. That’s always rocking, and I’ve had many a large Heineken in there. They also put on some great jazz nights.

What’s the most Dutch behaviour you’ve witnessed since working at Team Digital?

It’s got to be the way they operate in the canteen. Some of the Dutch food habits sicken me somewhat. It starts off with a lot of bread, like a shedload of bread. Then, filling said bread with more fried things and paste.

And now the really important questions.

Ajax or Feyenoord (the enemy brothers of Dutch football?

No comment. (The author is aware that Richardson is a closet Feyenoord fan)

Andre Hazes or Andre Agassi:

Agassi. But as a frequent presence in brown bars, I have an affinity with Andrew Hazes. [sic].

What’s the last picture on your phone?

A photo of my friend and I playing backgammon at 01.45 am this morning.

What’s your hobby and what’s your passion?

Football is my hobby and Manchester United is my passion.

Fancy joining #JR7 at TNT? We’re always on the lookout for fresh talent. Take a look if there’s a spot for you.

