Sander: Big-Bearded Mobile App Rockstar

Life @ Digital
Life At Digital
Published in
3 min readNov 9, 2017

Meet Sander de Gans, proud owner of the best beard in Digital. And that’s not all he leads the way in. At four hours each day, Sander’s record-breaking commute from Ouddorp to Hoofddorp resembles an epic voyage in his quest for mobile app perfection.

Sitting down for coffee, we get an early hint of his love for all things tech when he uses his iPhone to turn on his robot lawnmower. Parked up 150 km away.

So, beards, voyages and robot lawnmowers. Is this what makes a mobile app designer tick? Let’s find out.

Should I call you Sander or something else?

My friends call me Gans, which I actually react to faster than Sander. Non-Dutchies call me Sander the Goose, the English translation of my surname.

Alright, Goose. Which track should people play while reading this?

‘Lights Out’, from Royal Blood’s new album.

How Did We Get So Dark?

I’ve got quite a broad music taste, but I’m mainly into rock, especially when I play music.

Oh? Do we have a rockstar here?

[Laughs] Yes, I play drums for a band called 5th Suspect. We play some shows and festivals each year. It’s a truly great thing to do.

Cool! What brought a rockstar to Hoofddorp?

The working atmosphere within our team is great. We select people based on their personality and that pays off. There’s a lot of autonomy within the Mobile team. The app really feels like it’s our own and there’s an entrepreneurial vibe. I love that feeling.

What do you actually do at TNT Digital then?

I have more than one role here. As a product owner, I try to lead the app development in the best direction I possibly can. Then, as a UX designer, I research how the app should work. For example, how can a user get from A to C, via B? Everything from the look and feel of the app, to how individual components appear — that’s my job.

What part of your work here are you most proud of?

The coolest thing is not what I’ve achieved but what the team has achieved. Like in most companies, Mobile is ‘just a channel’. The focus is on the website. This can discourage people, but I see it as a big opportunity to make a real difference. We’ve increased the number of users on our app by 116,566% during my time here. When your team is highlighted as an example for the rest of the company, that’s the best compliment you can get.

Describe Sander the UX/UI designer in five words.

User friendly with no nonsense.

Describe Sander the person in five words

Beard, family man, too many hobbies. [We didn’t point out he exceeded his word limit. We’re not arguing with a beard like that.]

Hobbies, tell us more!

Where do I start! Music, vinyl, driving my motorbike, mountain biking, gardening and scuba diving. I’m a member of a dive association in The Netherlands.

Erm, I guess there’s not much to see in the North Sea?

No, it’s really murky in there, but that’s what I like most. When you’re 30 or 40 meters deep, you really need to trust your instruments. Being down there also calms my mind. Plus, when you enter the North Sea, you’re accompanied by seals.

And now the really important questions…

Coffee or tea? Neither. I used to have a kind of apple juice addiction. As for hot drinks, it has to be hot chocolate with cream on top.

The Randstad or the South of Holland? Well, it won’t be the Randstad.

What’s the last picture on your phone? It’s a screenshot of my Apple Watch telling me ‘even geduld’ [patience].

Ready to rock, just like Sander? We’re always on the lookout for dazzling digital talent. So click here to find out more and rock on!

