10 Weird and Wonderful Things you Didn’t Know About Life at Freeletics

Life at Freeletics
Published in
6 min readMay 24, 2019

Freeletics is not your average fitness brand, and it certainly isn’t your average employer.

Almost six years in, the startup spirit is still strong with this one. Freeletics is not just another fitness brand, and it’s so much more than a room of people doing burpees all day.

Freeletics HQ, situated in beautiful Munich, is home to over 140 employees. With such a large and diverse team, plus our very special company culture, it’s no wonder that there are some weird and wonderful details about working at Freeletics. So take a peek behind the scenes and find out what makes life at Freeletics so special….

#1 There’s an office hallway full of fish
This definitely gets some of the biggest reactions from visitors. This is our “Dorschboard.” A kind of hall of fame if you will. It’s a long wall covered in framed pictures of fish with names. Slightly odd, you say? Well the “Dorsch” has been a company-wide honor since day one. It is a sign of achievement, of going above and beyond for the company. So when someone is awarded with this fish of honor in front of the entire team, it goes up on the Dorschboard for all to see.

#2 The team consists of 35 different nationalities
Freeletics has always attracted a very international team since the very beginning. We are humbled that so many people would uproot their lives in faraway places to come and work with us in Munich. From Canada to Nepal, New Zealand to Ghana, Freeletics is a kaleidoscope of cultures, languages and personalities, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

#3 Projects are named after Nerf guns
If you walk around the office with a keen eye, you might spot something hiding in a plant pot or behind a door. Hundreds if not thousands of Nerf bullets have made Freeletics HQ their home and are here to stay. What started as a way for the Creative team to get each other’s attention when working with headphones quickly grew into a normal part of the Freeletics office. Not just a way to blow off steam after a long day, the nerf culture has gone from strength to strength. Creative projects, no matter how big or small, are now given codenames and, of course, these are named after our favorite Nerf guns. And now with over 15 Nerfs in the office and counting, there’s a lot to choose from. If you’re wondering, the biggest is the Hyperstrike, though who knows for how long. We’re still waiting for an official sponsorship…

#4 Meeting rooms are named after legends
On a more serious note, we have always been about inspiration and motivation. We have a long list of people we admire at Freeletics, so what better way to honor some of them than to have them on our walls? So when we moved into our first office, we decided to name our meeting rooms after some of the most inspirational athletes we know: Kathrine Schwitzer, Michael Jordan, Serena Willians, Kelly Slater, Muhammad Ali, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Wilma Rudolph, Alex Honnold, Usain Bolt. If you don’t know their stories, it’s worth googling them, trust us.

#5 Tuesday nights are for team training
Even though we are still a young company, we do have a few traditions we have been guarding since the very beginning. One of the biggest is #TTT. Team Training Tuesday has been a way to bring people from all departments together, support each other and de-stress with a great workout. So many people find their way into exercising or training with Freeletics through #TTT when they join the company. It is not mandatory to take part, but it is encouraged, as this is a core part of our culture. We support, motivate and push each other, all while having a great time and doing something good for our bodies and minds. Plus, there is always a delicious snack prepared by the #TTT leaders every time, and those are usually worth every burpee. And the Wednesday in-office yoga lessons always help with soreness the next day.

#6 From whiskey tasting to GoT viewing, there’s a hangout for everyone
We work hard, so we make sure we enjoy the ride. We truly believe in making work and the office as enjoyable as possible as well as supporting team building on a regular basis. As we are lucky enough to have a beautiful, open office space, we’ve been able to put on some awesome after work activities. Whether those are terrace bbqs in the summer, GoT viewings, bike care or skiing workshops, or even the odd whiskey tasting, there is always something for everyone. And the best thing? Anyone can suggest a hangout — the more interesting, the better.

#7 There’s a biceps Slack channel
Some of you might not know Slack. At Freeletics HQ, it is one of the most-used communication tools ever. While we’re pretty good at giphys and custom reactions, we really raise the bar when it comes to some of our slack channels. Between the hundreds of completely professional channels there are many hidden gems, like the Biceps Channel. Or the Beer O’Clock Channel, the Disco Iceskating Channel, the Drumming Channel, the Boardgames Channel, the Gaming Channel, the Hot Brown Liquid Channel, the Scuba Channel, the Game of Thrones Channel, the Motorcycles Channel, the Martial Arts Channel or the Worth Reading Channel.

It’s biceps challenge time again

#8 Walking meetings are the norm
You don’t have to be fit to work at Freeletics. You don’t even need to be a user of the apps. But we do encourage everyone in the team to lead a healthy, balanced life, whether that’s by providing healthy food every week or space and equipment to work out in the office. One great way to get some activity into a long day of work is through walking meetings. These have become more and more popular with the different teams and is a great way to get outside, be away from the computer screen and get some steps in, all during a meeting. This might not be so thrilling during the Munich winters, but the rest of the year it’s a great excuse to grab some sun and inspiration. #NoExcuses

#9 Food competitions are a big thing
This is one of the newest and most glorious trends to hit Freeletics HQ. It all started out with a hot sauce making competition, in which most of the company took part. Any excuse to make a mess and try hot sauces on homemade chicken wings. But we take competition seriously, and a lot of time and effort (and tears) went into those hot sauces. As this was so successful, we decided to continue the series, following up with a pizza competition. No doubt there will be many, many more competitions like this, because if there is one thing we are really, really passionate about (besides Freeletics), it’s food.

Monica and Martina team up for a hot sauce competition

#10 It’s always pullup time
Over the years, many people in the office have expressed their determination to achieve their first pullup at Freeletics. So, twice a day, people meet in the training area for a few minutes of pullup practice. If you’re feeling ambitious and stay with the company long enough, you can even progress all the way to muscleups…

Want to learn more about the team and daily life at Freeletics HQ? Then find us on LinkedIn or follow @LifeAtFreeletics on Instagram. If this sounds like just the kind of team you need in your life, check out our open positions now!

