#NoExcuses at Freeletics

Emily Bradley
Life at Freeletics
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2020

Breaking Physical Distance with Remote Team Training

What is Team Training?

Team Training Tuesday (TTT) is one of the oldest and most unique aspects of the Freeletics company culture. Since Freeletics was founded in 2013, gathering together to sweat it out on the training ground has become part of our DNA. We believe that training together not only strengthens interpersonal relationships throughout the working day, but also allows people from different departments to connect and feel they are part of one team. No matter their fitness level, everyone is supported and pushed to finish strong, and no one is left behind. In this way, our employees slowly become a better version of themselves and contribute to the general motivation of the team. These are the reasons why it is so important for us to keep this special part of our culture alive, especially in these times when we have to stay at home and can no longer meet our colleagues in person.

How to Train Remotely

Although all of the Freeletics team is now working from home, we are still enjoying our traditional weekly workout sessions remotely. This was a must for Training Experience Manager Vanessa Gebhardt, who now leads the sessions digitally. “In my mind, there was nothing that could keep us from continuing to host TTT, even if it had to be held remotely,” Vanessa explains. “This is something that is uniquely Freeletics and has been at the center of our culture since the very beginning. Even if it’s not in person, the training sessions bring us together as a team and help us to spread positive vibes and keep morale high — something that is so important at the moment.” The sessions start with an educational introduction to the exercises and a quick and energetic warmup. For the training itself, Vanessa generally chooses a longer Freeletics god workout with a variety of exercises, or two shorter workouts, each with a different body focus. Between workouts, the team gives virtual ClapClaps and encourages those who are still working through their burpees. Business Development Team Lead Yannick has been joining the online sessions since they started and has been loving the positive atmosphere and camaraderie: “I like how we are able to connect and motivate each other despite the distance. It gives you a warm feeling to know we are facing this challenge together. On top of that, the team is still able to push me beyond my limits at every training!” Data Engineer Junaid agrees, “I like the way we all are cheering and competing against each other individually or as teams at the same time.”

Challenges of Going Remote

Of course, there are challenges to overcome with this kind of training session. Other than being separated by a screen, one of the biggest issues for Vanessa is that she isn‘t always able to see everyone, making it more difficult to check on their form (or if they might dare to cheat), and to help. “With each remote training, however, we are improving based on the feedback of our teammates,” she explains. On the flip side, the team is still united, even while being separated. “I love to see everybody’s happy faces via the screen,” she continues. “You can still have a connection with people even if you’re only seeing them through a screen. Everyone is still motivated to come together and that’s wonderful to see.” Even if the training is remote, “we still cheer each other up and thanks to this, I always surpass myself,” says Elodie, our Junior Community Manager. As an unexpected benefit, now partners, children even and pets can now join the workouts too. “It’s amazing how easily you can inspire people (and pets), even if they aren’t part of the company themselves.”

Embracing Positivity

During these uncertain times, it can be easy to feel down and let this impact your mindset. Luckily for the Freeletics family, these remote training sessions have helped to fuel positivity. Product Marketing Manager, Alistair is also grateful for keeping our TTT tradition alive. “It’s great how we try and keep the office environment and culture strong even when we are apart. I think it takes a very special company for people to want to do that.” No matter what happens in the world, the Freeletics team will always hold a space for its people and our positive mentality that unites us.

Are you interested in working out digitally with the Freeletics community? Tune into our Freeletics IGTV every Wednesday at 5pm CEST to workout with Vanessa.

