The badass women of Freeletics: Nata, Digital Product Designer

Life at Freeletics
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2019

Ever wondered why your Freeletics app looks the way it does? Nata, our Digital Product Designer, has the answers.

Nata Suárez

In a typically male-dominated industry, we want to introduce you to some of the incredible women behind Freeletics. From product management to HR, these women cover every single department and contribute to the Freeletics vision and mission day in, day out. So meet Nata, Digital Product Designer.

What’s your story with Freeletics? How did it all begin?

I tried Freeletics as a Free Athlete for the first time back in October 2015 when I was studying for my Masters in Weimar, Germany. There was a group of people I always saw training outside and I was intrigued, so I joined their training sessions twice a week. Almost two years later, I decided to try the Nutrition app, and even though I liked the concept, I found the user experience quite complicated. I wrote a blog article suggesting some improvements from a UX design perspective which then gave me a reason to approach the company and apply for a position as a product designer. I’ve been working here for a year and a half now and I love it!

Does being a woman affect your work at Freeletics at all?

I come from a culture where relationships are quite often based on traditional gender roles. Here, however, I have the feeling that everyone is equal no matter what their gender or cultural background. Women are encouraged to have a voice, defend their ideas and have deep discussions about the product just as the men are — gender is totally irrelevant.

What does your training routine look like? How do you balance training and work?

I train constantly. I play Ultimate Frisbee at a high level, so my training routine can be a bit overwhelming. Three days a week, I come to the office early to train. Twice a week, I train with my frisbee club and on Tuesdays or Thursdays, I either do Freeletics or go running.

Luckily, working hours at Freeletics are quite flexible. I’m thinking about sports most of the time, so working here is the perfect fit for me. Almost everything I learn at work can be applied to my personal life and vice versa. This is helpful because I’m always very busy. Planning is hard and prioritizing harder.

When someone mentions International Women’s Day to you, what springs to mind?

Resilience. Women around the world are fighting their own fights, but they also care and find themselves standing up over and over again after difficult moments. This day reminds me that women are incredibly strong.

What do you love about your job? What makes you come to work every day?

I love working so close to a product that affects millions of people. Every time I hear about a successful story and how Freeletics had change someone’s life for good I feel that I helped that person. Product design is also slowly becoming a more gender-balanced area; I see more and more women involved everyday, which is a wonderful thing!

Part of the Freeletics Design Team

