Glovo Delivered 2021

Liselotte Tieman
Life at Glovo
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2022

As we are kicking off a new year, setting our goals, and looking forward to future milestones, let us first take a look back and reflect on all that has happened and achieved last year. Drawn from the global database from across +1.300 cities worldwide, and more than 130.000 monthly local shops and restaurants, our PA team highlights emerging trends and the evolution of our consumers’ needs throughout the year. Have a look at our “Glovo Delivered 2021” report now.

What did we achieve in 2021?

The past year, we have seen enormous growth throughout the entire business. Let’s have a look at the journey. To start off, we said hello to 8 new countries and 510 new cities, which means that we are now in 25 countries and 1.300 cities around the world! Besides that, we have continued our commitment to the global expansion of Cook Rooms as well as MFCs. With appetite for anything to be delivered on demand, we saw a 63% increase in last-minute orders, accelerating the opening of 70 new MFCs throughout the year. Go Q-commerce!

“Working on project WALL has been the most intense, challenging and fun project I’ve ever been involved in. While the bar was set really high, teams from all over the world fully committed to achieve our goals against all odds. I’m really proud of the team that made it possible and that raised the bar for any new projects to come at Glovo.”

— Lorenzo Mayol, Head of Expansion

Glover on the streets of Barcelona, Spain

What about us? We have welcomed a huge number of new faces: with 1.800 new employees, we are now 3.200 people at Glovo! Besides that, the yellow color of our Glovo backpacks have been spotted all over the world. Our couriers have traveled millions of kilometers (571.745.324 km to be precise) and are now able to access 110 online courses to improve their professional skills as well!

Lastly, in 2021 we have reached Carbon Neutrality and reduced 5.263 tons of CO2 emissions. This is an enormous milestone and contribution towards becoming an impact-driven company. On top of that, we collaborated with 120 NGO projects, more than 3.500 social orders were delivered by Glovo employees, and the first Social Delivery Center was opened in Barcelona!

“We are very excited by the pace we are scaling Glovo’s impact on society and the planet; this year has seen some huge achievement like delivering 1/2 million meals to charities, launching our up-skilling program for couriers G-Learning, neutralizing our carbon footprint and accelerating sales of vegan & green products from our partners. This is just the beginning of our journey towards becoming an impact-driven delivery app, so stay tuned for what’s to come!”

— Sebastien Pellion, Manager Social Impact & Sustainability

What did we learn from 2021?

2021 has taught us what our consumers like! We saw some food trends emerge, such as ramen, haute cuisine, and Spanish food. But remember, there is more than food! In 2021, twice as many books were sold compared to earlier years, cat litter was the most ordered item by pet lovers, and tights and sunglasses were the most popular fashion items sold.

“2021 figures are a window to what’s coming in 2022. By uncovering these trends about local and global data, we are offering a sneak peak into consumer needs over time. Surfing into Glovo’s data is not only useful to know what our customers want but how they shop: improving their shopping experience are the next steps to this report. Thanks to our leadership position in most countries as well as our strong market penetration in cities, we are able to position Glovo as a legitimate source of information when it comes to consumer trends.”

— María Valls, Public Affairs Manager

Check out the complete Glovo delivered 2021 report here. We’re looking to see what 2022 has in store for us!

