Beyond Workspace: Deeper Meanings Behind GO-JEK’s Interior

Alverta Shani
Life at Gojek
Published in
5 min readSep 10, 2018
Source: GO-JEK

As Winston Churchill once said, “we shape our building, thereafter they shape us.” A building is never just a building, every architect who made it has a vision behind their design that they would like to convey to the public. At GO-JEK, we take Churchill’s words seriously because we want our GO-TROOPS to be comfortable when they are working at the office so they can be their best self and bring out the best quality in them. Therefore, the interior is specifically designed to remind people that the office is an exciting place to work in. Not only that, every corner has deeper meanings so it will always remind all the GO-TROOPS about the values that we believe in.

In this article, we want to take you for a quick office tour and break all the meanings down behind every spot at GO-JEK’s office.

Starting from the face of the office: Lobby and Reception

Source: GO-JEK

When the elevator door opens, the sixth floor lobby will be the first thing that greets one during their visit to the office. The dangling GO-JEK helmets lamp placed above the reception desk will catch one’s attention as they adore the eccentric transportation mural painted behind the desk. An imitation of a zebra crossing on the floor is designed to get the “street vibe.” Blue sectional sofas in L-shape that radiate the homey feelings placed neatly around reception desk where people can sit and wait for their appointments. Speed is the main inspiration for the lobby, one of the three pillars of GO-JEK is represented in here since the lobby want to imitate a high road where it filled with fast cars and motorcycles. However, the homey feeling represents that even though speed is important, creativity and camaraderie are expected. So with speed and creativity, we want to encourage GO-TROOPS to keep innovating.

Moving on to the historic pillars

Source: GO-JEK

Turning right from the lobby, one will arrive in the big open working space where GO-TROOPS are scattered around the office doing their works or discussing ideas. Although it’s not stealing the attention but there is deeper meaning to the old columns that hold the building together since day one. When we designed the Jakarta’s headquarter in Pasaraya, we decided to left some columns just like it is, untouched, not even painted like it’s new. Why? Because we want to remember where we started even though the company is growing rapidly. These exposed columns erected in every office floor to remind GO-TROOPS about the past where GO-JEK started from scratch but with consistent speed, we can be where we are right now. The past is always a great thing to learn from so we can always improve our work.

Next stop: the modest abode

Source: GO-JEK

At GO-JEK’s office, we always want to make sure that GO-TROOPS is in their most comfortable self even when they’re at work. This is why they are allowed to bring their lovable things at home and put it on their desks. On the 6th floor marketing area, some of the GO-TROOPS are even putting their toy robots and guitar on their desks. Sometimes GO-TROOPS can also imagine themselves like they’re in Back To The Future movie as they move around the office with hoverboards. We support freedom and flexibility as long as they can remain to be a responsible adult.

Take a short break at the arcade or the sleeping room

Source: GO-JEK

Still on the sixth floor, if one took a left from the lobby there’s a room that will make anyone in an awe every time entering it. The GO-PLAY room which is an arcade that filled with beloved 90’s games such as Dance Dance Revolution, billiard, race car simulation and more. All the games inside GO-PLAY are available to play with, however it is recommended to play it only at lunch time or after office hour. The office is also equipped with sleeping rooms if anyone needs a power nap during office hour.

Going up to the disruptive innovation mural

Source: GO-JEK

If one doesn’t feel like working on their desks, GO-JEK’s office offers a lot of corners and spaces that can be used. There are some cubicles installed in every floor which offer different atmospheres. These cubicles shaped like a house and decorated with a big giant mural that pictured an illustration of the daily life at the city of Jakarta. This mural represents social impact that GO-JEK made in the capital city of Indonesia. It can be seen in the black and white mural, the GO-JEK drivers wearing their pride of the green jacket present in the middle of this crowded city to solve people’s problem, such as delivering food and getting people to their destinations without being stuck in a traffic jam.

This mural also designed to give more context on how GO-JEK has been continuously developing solutions to problems in society. At the same time, the mural serves as constant reminders to GO-TROOPS about what they do and how their works are contributing to a greater cause that is betterment of the society.

At GO-JEK, we fully support the idea of managing ourselves in terms of balancing work, health and level of stress. The office facilitates GO-TROOPS so it can inspire them to be flexible but still responsible for their jobs.

Interested to work in an exciting office like GO-JEK’s while driving social impacts? Join us, here.



Alverta Shani
Life at Gojek

Telling the untold stories. Passionate about tech & science.