GO-JEK Sabang To Merauke

wilma zulianti
Life at Gojek
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2018
Left to Right: GO-JEK Driver, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Founder and CEO of GO-JEK, President of GO-JEK, CIO of GO-JEK, GO-LIFE partner.

“Saya hari ini ingin minta maaf baru sekarang sampai Papua. Banyak sekali dari Papua yang bertanya, kapan GO-JEK datang? Akhirnya, pada hari ini sudah hadir di Merauke jadi sekarang benar-benar lengkap,”

Says Nadiem Makarim, Founder and CEO of GO-JEK. Jokingly Apologized that it took a while for GO-JEK to finally operate in Papua.

But we are proud to let you know that today, GO-JEK is now operating in Sabang, as well as Merauke. Marking 70 locations and 144 cities and district across Indonesia of our active operation areas. As a mobile app for daily needs, GO-JEK app offers various services such as transport, food delivery, courier logistic, instant shopping, payments, and more.

This morning, right before Nadiem Makarim along with Rudiantara (Ministry of Communications and Information Technology) launched our offices, we had a video call with drivers in Sabang and Merauke provided by Telkomsel as our partner. They wished as we had an operation in their cities, it could uplifted their lives. For example, one of our drivers that has been a freelance photographer in Merauke now decided to join GO-JEK because he believes, GO-JEK can bring an impact to his live. In the meantime, GOJEK Sabang team sang ‘Dari Sabang Sampai Merauke’ national song, as they were very enthusiastic for the official launch. Even the audience were singing along with them.

Nadiem Makarim with the drivers

Nadiem adds, GO-JEK believes the use of technology is the fastest and most appropriate way to help people improve their welfare. With operations being expanded from Sabang to Merauke, GO-JEK expects more MSMEs and micro entrepreneurs such as driver partners who can benefit from technology.

In 2015, GO-JEK launched its Apps with only 3 services and within a year, GO-JEK expands to more than 16 services. By now, we have more than 18 products serving very different needs. Currently we have 1 million drivers which completed 3 million trips per day. Our application now had more than 76 million downloads and we have more than 200 thousands merchants in 70 big cities in Indonesia including Sabang and Merauke.

So knowing the fact that GO-JEK’s vision is to bring more social impact, we’re planning to expand the operations not only nationwide, but also to South East Asia. Over the next few months, GO-JEK will bring its ride-hailing service to another markets like Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and the Philippines!

Interested in creating impact at scale through technology? Join us, here.



wilma zulianti
Life at Gojek

Passionate for Tech, People, and Culture. Currently contributing to Indonesian Aquaculture Scenery with @eFishery. ✨