GOJEK Business Intelligence: Stories from the Heroes Behind it

Indra Budiari
Life at Gojek
Published in
4 min readApr 1, 2019

Building a business without using data is like driving a car with a blindfold, and in GOJEK we see Business Intelligence as a map to help us find the most effective path. Working as part of our BI team means that you will take part in our journey to empower people in making data-based decisions.

Meet Dimas, Hady and Adrian and let’s find out what they have to say about their roles.

Dimas Natajiwa, BI Data Warehouse Manager

“We are a startup with one of the most sophisticated data environments. Everyone at GOJEK understands how important it is to make data-based decisions and they prioritize and respect what the data says.”

The role of Business Intelligence is to validate a strategic decision, even the smallest decision like moving a certain button within the GOJEK app’s interface. It’s a seemingly simple decision but with BI, we can understand the insights on what the effects and impacts of this decision are based on the data we extract.

In the BI Data Warehouse Developer team, Dimas responsible for the data extraction process; to transform the data into something that brings a business context, before putting the data in the big query.

He knows that such responsibilities might give him a headache if he could not manage his time well, however, one of the great things he sees in GOJEK is how people are given the space to manage which task that they would like to finish first.

Hadyanto Kencana, BI International Expansion

“GOJEK defines BI in a different way. We are not a team who only works based on requests or extract data and deliver it to the data warehouse. Here, the BI team is the thought partner of the management and we help create strategic decisions for the company”

Hadyanto has big passion for his job, and when someone asks him what the BI team really does in GOJEK he would take a marker and draw the end-to-end process from data extraction to business decision on a whiteboard and explain every single detail.

He studied Computer Software Engineering in Beijing Jiaotong University, China. However, he knows that developing software isn’t for him and he would like to dig deeper into the business side of a company.

Prior to joining GOJEK, he worked as a Data Analyst in JD.ID, an e-commerce company affiliated with China’s JD.com. Now, he is the BI Group Head for International Expansion, handling data processing of GOJEK operations in three countries: Vietnam, Singapore, and Thailand.

Adrian Muhammad, BI Mobility Group Head

“When you are working with people from other teams in solving your problem, there is some sense that it’s our problem together and failure means failing together, while their success is our success as well. That’s the sense of belonging that we have at GOJEK,”

As BI’s Group Head for Mobility, Adrian is your go-to guy if you need any data related to transportation. This means that if you want to know how many drivers GOJEK needs to meet next month’s demand, or how many orders were made last month, look no further than his team.

Prior to joining GOJEK, he worked in several different companies including online marketplace Lazada and Indonesian telco company Indosat in similar roles, but what he only just realized when he joined GOJEK is that being in the Business Intelligence team means more than digging for data. The BI team here has the opportunity to be involved in the company’s strategic decisions and subsequent implementation.

His current role to lead a team of 18 people in different streams and different sets of data from drivers, logistics, allocation, and other transportation-related areas. As a leader, Adrian realizes that while he knows his way around data, managing people is an entirely different thing. However, he’s glad that GOJEK’s culture provides space for people to speak up and give constructive criticism without having to worry about damaging the relationship.

If you are interested in meeting people like them, it’s time for you to join this adventure. Click here to hop on in the journey and join the BI team.

