Indonesia: The Eternal Love of Edi Galuh

Rayi Noormega
Life at Gojek
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2018
Courtesy of GO-JEK

Edi Galuh, one of our GO-JEK driver partners in Bandung, knows exactly that part of life is experiencing ups and downs. Thus, for the last 2 years, Edi dedicates himself to give positive vibes as a motivator within his fellow GO-JEK driver partners in Bandung. His main goal is to protect his fellow drivers from doing crime as Edi realized that financial need and lack of faith could turn people to be criminals.

One of Edi’s ways to motivate his fellow drivers is giving them a prize when they achieved a hat-trick or getting 3 orders in a row below 5 PM in a day. Edi believes that giving them incentives could finally increase their motivation to work harder each day. His strong will to encourage his fellow driver partners has made him to be actively involved in some GO-JEK drivers’ community gatherings in Bandung.

His determination to contribute for the community arises from his deep love towards Indonesia as aside from being a GO-JEK driver partner, he is actively involved in social activities to help the communities,“I was born, raised, and plan to die in this nation. My love for Indonesia is endless.”

Within his life, Edi fostered some NGOs in Bandung to support the emerging of local SMEs-entrepreneurs, he produced a thousand masks for charity in Riau, and he was also the head of social of the social service community of online drivers, “Padoeli”, which often provides foods, clothes, and medicines for those in need.

Edi was also one of the driver partners who participated in Indonesia’s 73rd anniversary celebration at Saung Angklung Udjo, where a thousand of GO-RIDE and GO-CAR driver partners gathered to play angklung together with variety of entertainment activities and door prizes. Edi loved the event as he expressed his gratitude and excitement, “GO-JEK contributes to the community as there were millions of driver partners who have joined GO-JEK and earned a living without required to become an employee.”

Courtesy of GO-JEK

In the event, Edi expressed his excitement by distributing a mask-shaped goodie bag marked GOBAN (GO-JEK Bandung) and a head covering to all GO-JEK customers who used their services, “I am proud to be part of the GO-JEK family,” Edy concluded.

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Rayi Noormega
Life at Gojek

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”