Making Indonesia Great Again

Alverta Shani
Life at Gojek
Published in
5 min readDec 17, 2018

As a GOJEK user, do you know that your orders have created a big impact for million lives of Indonesians? Yes, you are among of the people who have contributed to the 44% increase of the whole Indonesian GOJEK drivers’ income last year, based on Demographic Institution of the University of Indonesia.

Thanks to you as well, through GOJEK drivers’ incomes, we can contribute Rp. 8,2 billion to the Indonesian economy. This means that GOJEK has been a big part of Indonesians’ lives. For Jakartans, GOJEK is the solution to beat the heavy traffic every day or even to feed their families without having to go to the kitchen.

As big as GOJEK in Jakarta, we’re still developing in other parts in Indonesia. We realize that to be able to develop the whole country, we need to start focusing not only in Jakarta. That is why, starting this year, we are sending amazing talents who have strong experience and passion to help us build regional areas.

These people are the ones who want to create big things out of nothing.

Meet Erika Agustine

Before she joined GOJEK, she enjoyed her good track of career in Singapore. However, she left the most developed country in Southeast Asia to Indonesia. She is willing to be placed in Lampung.

Contributing as a Front Row Seat Talent in Lampung’s Rapid Growth

On a personal side, she’s happy to be placed in Lampung because Jakarta is overwhelming for her with the high-stress heavy traffic. The beautiful nature in the city of Elephants also tempts her to pack her bag and move there.

However, on a professional side, the Indiana University Bloomington graduate says that she has seen Lampung’s massive economic growth with her own eyes in recent years. The infrastructure in Lampung also grows very quickly.

Lampung’s Central Bureau of Statistic has also released a report of the city’s economic growth. In this year’s Q2, there is an economic increase of 4,53% compared to Q1. In terms of production, the highest growth was contributed by the accommodation business and food and beverages at 10,86%. While the growth of expenditure comes from the Government Consumption Expenditure Component at 15,27%.

Seeing this huge growth, Erika wants to be in the front row seat of Indonesians who contribute to the development of Lampung. That is why she encourages all the youngsters from Lampung to come back and join her in a big adventure because for her it’s the right time to channel your skills for the growth of other areas of Indonesia besides Jakarta.

Taking Different Initiatives for Different Regions

Lampung might have a different approach. Since it’s not a tourist hotspot, one of the ways to familiarize the brand to the people is through events. One of the events that held after the first month Erika joined GOJEK was a night food market where people need to pay with GO-PAY.

She was honestly surprised that the event was a huge success, even the organizer asked for it to be extended. For a person who has lived in Jakarta most of her life, she didn’t see it coming that Lampung has a good level of digital literacy.

However, the initiative that she has taken isn’t only for the customers. She realized that for an area to grow, she needs to pay attention to all the drivers as well.

Right now, she’s focusing on partnering up with local business, such as automotive dealers and create a program that will benefit the drivers. One of the examples is for drivers to be able to change their motorcycle’s oil for free. To sum up, Erika just wants our drivers to be able to live easier and well too, just like the customers.

“I am reminded the sole reason why we’re doing what we’re doing and it’s very rewarding.” -Erika Agustine.

District Head is a Sexy Job

Even though the job made you live in regional areas, it doesn’t mean it’s appealing to a wider audience. The job is recommended if you:

  • Love to make a real impact and want to be the front-liner of the business.
  • Want to get in touch to the driver first hand and actually help to elevate their quality of lives.
  • Passionate to strategize the business and implement it directly.
  • Have a goal to be C level leader in less than 24-years experience, since the district head job pushes you to be a mini-CEO to manage and lead business end to end.

We Need Your Help, ASAP!

As you have read, we have an abundance of goals to build in other parts of Indonesia outside Jakarta. Managing 18 products in a regional area comes with its own challenge that can be an adventure of a lifetime for you. #WeNeedYourHelp to grow Indonesia developed country. We want the best talents to help us to create more social impacts in every part of Indonesia.

What’s your dream? Are you ready to contribute to a greater Indonesia?

If you think you’re up to tackle a myriad of challenges and love to be in a roller-coaster adventure, visit GOJEK’s Career Page to join us!



Alverta Shani
Life at Gojek

Telling the untold stories. Passionate about tech & science.