Gojek Regional Leaders: Build a Legacy Away from the City

Indra Budiari
Life at Gojek
Published in
4 min readDec 5, 2018

People take a job for different reasons. Many might do it for the money, while some other puts the company’s working culture or career prospect as the deciding factors. But there are people who wish to create something bigger than themselves and changes the lives of others through their profession.

Something that one day they will call their legacy.

Fortunately, in Gojek we work with a lot of them. We talked with three people who work in Gojek’s regional offices about why they left their city life in exchange to deliver impact at a small town.

We also asked them what it takes to build a legacy in rural areas? Hard work, great team, and creative minds are surely make the list. But above everything is faith. Faith to what they are doing every day will improve lives millions of people.

Delly Nugraha, Central Area Strategic Regional Head

Courtesy of Delly Nugraha

Delly would never forget the day when dozens of Gojek drivers visited Semarang office and brought him a handful of kale, knelt in front of him and said how grateful they were for join Gojek because it has financially helped them to purchase a house and put their kids back to school.

“My feet were shaking, I could not hold back my tears. That moment made me realized how my job means something for others,” he said.

As the Strategic Regional Head of Central Region, Delly mainly spent his days in Semarang, where he supervises Gojek operation in 28 cities.

He’d like to define his role as both “spearhead” for Gojek in the central region to make everything runs well and as “father figure” for Gojek drivers and talents in the region to make sure that they can improve their lives.

Not only helping Gojek partner to get a better life, but Delly also believes that his position allows him to learn how to adapt to a wide range of stakeholder. As a leader of a region with 28 cities, he needs to understand 28 different characteristics of those cities and learn how to make the best of out of their potential.

But when asked why he took the job, he said it was because he knows that the future of Gojek in the region and how the role can deliver impact to millions of people. In his own words, the key to winning the heart of the Indonesian people is to build the region.

Mariana Wijayanti, Solo District Head

Courtesy of Mariana Wijayanti

Unlike others, Mariana sees her decision moved from Singapore as a “divine nudge”.

As former Youth Coordinator in Office for Young People of the Archdiocese of Singapore, Mariana believes that the core value of her previous job was not much different with what she does in Gojek now: that you cannot live just for yourself.

Graduated from Nanyang Technological University in 2004, she found her true passion in 2008 when she joined the youth office.

However, she knows that someday she needs to go home and take care of her parents in Indonesia. In early 2018 the destiny introduced her with someone from Gojek who then asked her to join the company.

Leaving her career at Archdiocesan to start something that is entirely new for her was not an easy thing to do. Mariana knows that it was challenging, but it was a challenge that she was willing to take.

“Just like my previous job, in Gojek I got the chance to help others and create impact around me. I think the similarity of the values is what made me sure that Gojek is the right choice,” she said.

We need your help

People join GO-JEK for different reasons. Delly sees it as the opportunity to build Indonesia from the region, while Mariana believes she can continue to help people through her job.

But on top of all those reasons, they share the same dreams. Dream that they can create impact at scale and gives a better life for millions of people, and dream that one day they will able to see it as their legacy.

For those who view their careers should be larger than their personal achievement, #weneedyourhelp to join the cause and build the country. Check our regional leaders career form to find the open positions!

