The GO-JEK Playlist: 5 Types of Music You Should Listen To While Working

Rayi Noormega
Life at Gojek
Published in
3 min readOct 1, 2018
Courtesy of GO-JEK

Everybody has its own way to keep being productive at work. Some people take a short-nap, some people need to take a long walk to the entire office when they’re bored, and some of them are listening to their favorite songs while working.

Well, according to several studies, popular music does interfere reading comprehension and information processing. Those who listened to music will also complete their tasks more quickly and had better ideas than those who didn’t overall.

Okay, maybe you’ve heard that music could increase your productivity at work, but do you know specifically what types of music which really could affect your work performance? Let’s look at 5 types of music and their effects on you when you’re listening to it while you work;

1. Movie Soundtracks

Movie soundtrack is designed to be the background audio and many movie soundtracks provide background audio of a grandiose nature which could make you feel like you’re doing something epic. So, soundtracks from movies are a great option during periods of intense concentration!

2. Ambient Soundtracks

As lyrics within the song could be a form of distraction while you’re working, you should give ambient music a try when you feel stressed out at work.

Brian Eno, the creator of Music for Airport, said that ambient music is able to accommodate many levels of listening attention without enforcing one in particular; ambient music is as ignorable as it is interesting.

3. Classical Music

Do you know that classical music is often cited as an aid to study focus? Indeed, the technique is known as The Mozart Effect and a study showed that classical music performed better than punk music or no music conditions.

Furthermore, in a study, seven out of eight radiologists found that baroque music increased mood and concentration on their work. However, those listening to the Classical music offered more off-task comments during the task than those listening to No Music.

4. Video Game Music

As video game music compositions are specifically designed to enhance your gaming experience, it is a great choice for your background music while you want to stay productive.

Furthermore, video game music is designed to provide ambiance while you concentrate on the task in hand, so it’s a suitable music if you need to pick something sweeping, but not too distracting.

5. Personal Playlist

While ambient and classical music is best for tasks that involve concentration, you should listen to vocal and bouncy upbeat music for administrative or non-complex tasks. When it comes to upbeat productivity music, personal choice can make a bigger factor, so put some bouncy music on to make repetitive tasks fly-by!

And yes, we’ve asked some GO-TROOPS to share their own song playlists. If you’re looking for song recommendations, add their songs and let’s be more productive!

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Rayi Noormega
Life at Gojek

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”