What Does Learning at Gojek Look Like?

A sneak-peek into our Learning & Development team’s approach to designing various programs offerings.

Regina Manjali
Life at Gojek
6 min readSep 30, 2020


Design thinking is at the heart of how we solve problems at Gojek. Its principles help us innovate, mould and execute learning initiatives.

One of the learning offerings is the Hack Your Potential program. It was initially designed as an offline learning program that focuses on essential skills to help GoTroops thrive. 🏅

When we set out to understand how our GoTroops viewed learning and if they even had time for it, we learnt it was a hassle to learn during office hours due to the urgency of work or back-to-back meetings. It was also difficult to make time to attend long-scheduled training. Surprisingly, on the other hand, our learning requests remained extremely high.

These findings kick-started the creation of our very own Learning Lab Platform, a community-based internal online learning platform to solve GoTroops’ learning needs.

The tiny setback

After months of working on it and doing the first soft-launch, the reality hit. The adoption rate of the platform was very low, yet our offline offerings were loaded with registrants.

Apparently, working at a tech company doesn’t mean everybody will be comfortable to learn online. Meanwhile, we did not have the manpower to facilitate face-to-face sessions at the same time for over 5000 employees and (always) hiring external vendors was not a sustainable option to build a learning culture at Gojek in the long term.

To solve these problems, we put together some initiatives in our Hack Your Potential program to introduce our Learning Lab Platform to create more classes and nurture the learning habit among our GoTroops. We believe learning should be owned by everyone, not merely the learning team.

Cultivating a learning culture is not a one time process.

Designing curriculum with empathy

Our Learning Need Analysis (LNA) happens once or twice a year — which, for me, as a program specialist, wasn’t enough to decide the current and relevant learning needs which constantly change. At Gojek, learning has always been an important part to grow both our people and the business. I was responsible to improve our Hack Your Potential program that focuses on essential skills needed to foster our GoTroops ability to adapt with the changes and help them thrive in the environment. Thus, I interviewed several GoTroops to figure out the real use cases to create a learning initiative.

One of the most interesting interviews happened when I asked, “Do you think your problem comes from the lack of technical knowledge? Or is it about the way you communicate with your colleagues?” and they answered with the latter.

Before the interview, I also prepared a bunch of desk research about the emerging skills needed and a lot of reflections from Gojek’s journey and history. Turns out, Collaborate to Innovate was the answer that we proceeded to our quarterly theme. Seeing the time limitation that our GoTroops have, we split the big theme into five small topics that we called micro-skills:

  • Practice active listening
  • Ask questions to empower ideas
  • Articulate ideas with clarity
  • Work with different types of people
  • Accept feedback and give advice

We also collaborated with the Employer Branding team that handles Life at Gojek Instagram, to reiterate how we handle learning at Gojek.

An Instagram post on our session about active listening.
Brief version from our session about giving and accepting feedback.
Brief version of our session about giving and receiving feedback.

Learners’ involvement in blended-learning approach

Solving the time limitation and self-paced learning led us to combine our Learning Lab Platform and face-to-face (now online) learning experience. From workshops, we switched the learning journey to be more comprehensive as a way to introduce our new way of learning to boost engagement and interactivity.

Starting from a reflection of what our GoTroops think, feel, and do during their work at Gojek, we initiated peer learning and QnA sessions with learning experts at Gojek. Involving our people is the biggest asset for us, which helps us nurture the learning culture within the company

Find what works and dare to experiment

Test. Evaluate. Implement. Evaluate. Repeat.

Fast feedback and observation makes us better every day. We evaluated our program immediately after the session. Aspects such as content, facilitator, facility, program relevancy were analysed based on both quantity and quality. The insights were applied on the next session right away! Starting off the program with face-to-face classes in Indonesia, we are now moving to virtual workshops and online peer learning sessions that enable us to scale it globally.

One of the most interesting experiments we tried made us realise a small number of people within the class do not guarantee the engagement of the session. In the first group, we split the class only limited to 15 learners to make sure everyone has the opportunity to talk and contribute to each task, focusing more on each of the individuals. In the second group, we accommodated up to 30 learners with online interactive tools (e.g. interactive quizzes, online easy-to-use whiteboard), breakout rooms, and more co-facilitators to jump in each of the rooms. The second option has kept us going till today — which is why we prefer to call it a virtual workshop rather than learning webinar.

For the following quarter, we are continuing the program from collaboration theme to problem solving with a touch of data and creativity, followed by managing change in the organisation. Apart from scaling the program globally, we are also moving forward by modifying this program based on functional needs and acquiring more facilitators from our GoTroops.

Indah Putri, one of our facilitators earlier this year, in an interview on the @lifeatgojek Instagram.
Teguh Kusuma, our Active Listening facilitator from the research team, featured on @lifeatgojek.

Applying design thinking to Hack Your Potential program helps us modify our previous offering to our new way of learning which helps us scale to bigger offerings and nurture the learning culture globally. By involving our learners to be a part of the process, learning itself will be more relevant which will help us to keep the engagement in our program.

A note of appreciation to fellow GoTroops who have contributed as facilitators and subject matter experts:

Devina Indah, Jawwadurrohman, Andreas Teguh, Gita Manohara, Indah Putri, Rina Safitri, Bernadetta Anjani, Erin Dwi, Yona Aldilla, Kautsar Ramadhan, Ramda Yanurzha, Andy Pratomo, Astra Ayuningputri, Anindita Soejoedi, Nesya Lukmandjaja, Kartini Sucahyo, Faris Nahar, Silvio Adriano, Adhi Hardiansyah, Brata Santoso, Akisa Gestantya, Fika Rahmayati, Rahman Tartan, Aleisha Fiona, Yoga Samsugiharja, Karolis, Sifat Hasan, Endamia Carolina, Bella Chyntiara, Shree Mogan, Mutia Hersanti, Nurdrajat Sumadyana and Felicia Wu, thank you for being a part of our GoTroops’ learning journey.

Special thanks to Tiaradiqta, Levina Adiputri, Windya Saputro, Maria Felicia, Rahmadya, Eunika Rukmi, Lili Tan, Yan Ting, Aisyah Madeleine, Archana, Connie Cheung, and Susan Chen for making it all possible.

For more stories about GoTroops and our life at Gojek, click here.

