Arun Raj A on following his passion for coding

Life at mitsogo
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2020

Moving away from home to set up a new life came with its challenges. The experiences that I’ve had and the friends I’ve made have shaped me and made me who I am. I’m not the same person who was a year ago. I’ve made a second home and a part of my heart will always be in my native place.

When I made the decision to uproot my life, I had no idea what I would be stepping into, but it was absolutely the best decision I’ve ever made. It brought me my wildest dreams of traveling and working at a product-based company, that too, doing what I loved the most and on which am passionate about — Coding.

For those thinking about doing it, you should! It’s completely addictive and the best way to fully engage with a new area and understand a different culture and working on what you love. (something that’s just not possible on a holiday). ⠀

When I first started programming, it was really hard on myself when I didn’t get things right on the first place or when I couldn’t pick new concepts up as quickly as I’d like. Of course, as I practiced, I realized that code pretty much never works the first time.

I needed to remember that even the best developers were in my situation at one point and asked the same questions, solving the same problems as I am now. Through fully appreciating my progress and by being patient with myself and my work, I now feel so much braver to experiment, make mistakes (which is when you learn the most), and to let go of this internal pressure. Patience has made me a better developer and a happier person.

Know that the discomfort is temporary — clarity is on the other side of the pause. This applies to our careers as much as it applies to our personal lives. If you’re feeling uncertain about the next steps in your career, take some time to get aligned before you make your next move. Think about what’s most important to you, and make sure that your mindset and actions are fully aligned with those values.

As of now, 2020 is officially halfway over! Can you believe that? Totally mind blown. Right?

The midpoint of the year is a great time to check in, do some self-reflection and make sure you’re still on track to accomplish the goals you set at the beginning of the year. ⁣

It’s also a great time to evaluate how fulfilled you are, what’s missing and what changes you can make to thrive and flourish the way you deserve.

In light of everything that 2020 has thrown our way thus far, I think we can all use a refresh and reset, which is what I want to encourage you. Follow your passion no matter what, as it matters the most! ⁣

