Vipin Govind on setting goals for yourself.

Life at mitsogo
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2020

I’m Vipin Govind. Currently working as Software Architect. My journey with Mitsogo started in the year 2014, right after Mitsogo completed its first anniversary. Being part of Mitsogo right from the very beginning-experiencing all the odds and joy that came our way made my career all the more meaningful and worthy. I’ve learned over the years.

There is one principle for me that I truly believe can make all the difference. That is personal growth — in whatever shape or form. To grow truly, a person needs to be proactive and productive with performing activities that bring them closer to their self-assigned goals.

I have always wondered, why everything is so plastically defined around us like our education, career options and how our future should look like. People pre-define it and we tend to follow it and that’s how it has always been. So, here’s a note to all of us to outgrow such fences and not limit ourselves!

Set smart goals and write them down. Figure out your barriers: is it the lack of time, resources, or skill? Make a plan for how to tackle those barriers. ⁠ Having self-assigned goals are the key to increase productivity both in personal and professional life. It’s simple, easy and cost nothing.

As Bear Bryant rightly said “Never quit. It is the easiest cop-out in the world. Set a goal and don’t quit until you attain it. When you do attain it, set another goal, and don’t quit until you reach it.” –Bear Bryant

For a change, in order to succeed our own goals till the very end, let’s say yes to new opportunities, that simply means you’re saying yes to yourself! You’re opening new doors, new possibilities & allowing for abundance to flow freely in. ⁣⁣

I’m not talking about saying yes when you really want to say no- I mean saying yes to something that excites you but also brings up fear. This is where the growth takes place. You’ll teach yourself things you never imagined possible. If you feel like you’re in a rut or stuck somewhere- it’s time for a change! Start exploring & saying yes to new opportunities. Learn a new skill, travel alone, do something you’re really afraid of but may not have had the courage to do so in the past! Again, ⁣⁣let’s have self-assigned goals!

What would happen if you pushed your limits and said yes to something that really scares you but excites you at the same time? ⁣⁣You’ll never know unless you try it.

My advice is to never stop learning, dreaming, daring nor let yourself become outdated. If you have a special talent or skill, pass it on! Have a self-assigned goal to keep you awake throughout this journey of life. The more you explore your options, the easier you will find that one thing sparks you and keeps you pumped waking up every day.

