A Glimpse Into Business Operations at Moka

Alicia Serena
Life At Moka
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2019

“So, what do you guys really do?”

That’s a question I’m sure often asked when speaking with someone in Business Operations (Biz Ops). We are all guilty.

But, do not worry! Through this short article, you’ll get a sneak peek into life in the Moka Biz Ops team, get a glimpse into what our roles and responsibilities are, and understand some of the skills necessary to become a rockstar of the team.

Let’s start at the top.

Our team belongs in the Operations Department which is headed by our VP of Operations. Within the Biz Ops team, we are split into two converging units, Strategy and Processes. However, there is no division between Strategy & Process as both teams share resources and members often work together to solve common projects. Often, we get paired with members from either group and always learn valuable lessons from each other in the process. Go, team!

But seriously, what do we actually do?

In essence, we are a team of scrappy, dynamic, flexible people who work on an array of business problems. Our specialty is being a generalist. For each project we handle, we could start and build or improve the structure for all non-engineering departments, such as sales, marketing, and finance. Every day is truly never the same!

Generally, Biz Ops members are in charge of building team structure, creating new process/flow, defining performance metrics, and implementing strategies to achieve those defined metrics. As the company grows, our effort in making teams more structured and run like a well-oiled machine independently is crucial to Moka’s goal of scalability.

Unlike business consultants, Biz Ops members are not only responsible to conduct research and build strategies but also to implement and guide teams to make sure we see the intended results. So, not only are we putting our best effort into the strategies and processes we create, but we are also very much involved during their execution. At our core, we are very hands-on and will work closely with the teams we are helping, which is why we love building and nurturing relationships within or outside our projects.

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