Discovering Onboarding Journey at Moka

Nadyn Dhyanti
Life At Moka
Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2019

We’re so excited to welcome new joiners every week. Yes, you heard that right. Here at Moka, new joiners are coming every week since we’re always hiring. And that covers all joiners from various departments and various nationalities.

But, what is Onboarding, exactly?

Employee Onboarding is the process of introducing new employees to the organization’s environment and culture. The process could increase employee engagement, invoke a sense of loyalty in new hires, and enforcing internal culture.

“Along with the company’s growth, it’s really important to make all employees keep aligned with company’s vision, mission, and value, especially in a start-up company that has a really fast pace. Thus, we try to always deliver the best experience in our onboarding session, to make sure that all employees are on the same page to achieve company’s goal together. Onboarding has a critical part since it will be the first impression for the employee, it will be so powerful to keep their trust in the company.” — Clarissa, Employer Branding & Culture Lead at Moka

However, the time taken to achieve that might vary from one organization to another. At Moka, we have a general onboarding session that lasts for one day. We started the process with a welcoming email for all new hires. That email is what will direct them to a one-day-onboarding journey at Moka.

“Hello! We can’t wait to see you on your first day at Moka!”

Warm morning welcome from our Receptionist

This what the new joiners will get once they’ve arrived at Moka’s main lobby. Mba Eva, our receptionist will welcome them and ask them to enter the onboarding room.

We usually start everything with an asset distribution. This was given early in the morning to make sure every asset, email, and other tools are installed and logged in successfully so their upcoming job can run smoothly.

After that, we do a general introduction about the company. Well, it might sound boring, but hey! It’s one of the most important information that the new joiners need to know :p Fun fact, since there is a lot of information inside the deck, a lot of questions are usually coming on this session.

Next, we have an office tour. Did you know that right now, Moka has 3 main buildings and each building consists of 4 levels? Haha, yup we do the tour to all building to introduce the new joiners to every department we have. And this session is also a session where all existing Mokateers can meet the new faces that are coming to the fam.

“Welcome to Moka, everyone!” :D

After finishing the office tour with lunch, here comes the most exciting part. Our very own CEO, Haryanto, will come to one session called CEO Talk! He comes and welcomes the new joiners to the team. Throughout the session, Har also shares his vision, mission, and stories about Moka to them. Everyone gets the chance to ask anything to our CEO on their first day at work. This session is hands down one of the most hand-picked sessions of all our onboarding sessions because who wouldn’t be excited to be welcomed and encouraged on their first day at work?

Lastly, we have a departmental onboarding overview. This is where our VPs or Managers from each department come and deliver an introduction and overview of their departments. What job they usually worked on, the organization chart, whom to contact if the new joiners need something, etc.

Wrapping it up

Designing the best onboarding journey is not an easy matter. We, too, are still taking our time and try discovering the better process. And for us, feedback matters a lot. We always make sure to involve the participants, hearing their inputs about the whole onboarding process. There might be a number of issues that are hard to tackle, but we keep on developing for a better, and better experience for the new joiners.

Because for us, a memorable onboarding experience not only makes employees feel welcome but also helps them gel with the existing organizational family faster!

“Hope you enjoy your stay at Moka!”

Do you want to discover our onboarding journey at Moka? Seek many, many opportunities to join the family at

