Empowering University Students through #MokaGoesToCampus

Nadyn Dhyanti
Life At Moka
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2019

Moka is interested to connect with universities to empower students in preparing them for the professional working world, especially in a start-up, tech industry. Hence, #MokaGoesToCampus is launched this year. It is a sharing session event to discuss the world of technology that is currently popular, especially in start-ups. This event is specifically designed for final year students in Information Technology and System Information faculties.

Our journey started from late February to April 2019 where we went for a roadshow to top IT campuses in Jakarta, Bandung, Malang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and North Sumatra. In total, we visited 10 universities across Indonesia such as Telkom University Bandung, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Indonesia, Binus University, Del Institut of Technology, Mikroskil and Universitas Padjadjaran.

Our fellow Mokateers as the speakers on #MokaGoesToCampus roadshow

We brought our very own Mokateers, who are the alumni of the universities to be the speakers on each visit. The speakers are from various divisions such as engineering, employer branding, operations, product and marketing. They shared about their personal career experiences to give the students an overview of working life.

To summarize our roadshow, we gathered 850+ participants across 6 cities. #MokaGoesToCampus hopes that students get valuable insights and could better prepare themselves for their career journey ahead.

We are happy to receive heart-warming feedback from the participants. One of them said: “It was a really good insight for us since we’re now in our final year of study. The sharing sessions gave me a bigger picture that there is a lot of job position that I can choose besides software engineer.”

Moka POS demo to the students

With this knowledge sharing event, Moka wants to inspire many young people at universities to be aware of the challenges in the working world and how to tackle them. In accordance with Moka’s mission to empowering merchants to sell and grow, we also want to empower university students through this event. Not only that, but we also encourage them to elevate their best potential so that they are ready to take a bigger role after graduating.

Lastly, we would like to express our gratitude to all universities who have welcomed us. Thank you for the excitement, the enthusiasm, the warm welcome, and the nice cooperation. We look forward to seeing the young and bright graduates at Moka someday!

Are you one of those young and bright students who are ready for a big role? Find out a lot of exciting opportunities at Moka right here.

