Sipping over A Cup of Moka

Nadyn Dhyanti
Life At Moka
Published in
5 min readAug 13, 2019

Building a five-star tech company goes beyond creating jim-dandy products and dealing with top investors to hasten the growth. Investing in people plays a really pivotal part of the company’s success. As a B2B company, we try to always bring delight to our customers — even before they enter the gate.

This job is what our Marketing Team do on a day-to-day basis. Creating an activation event is one of the ways. Last year, we did a review of our activation program and relooked the way we thought about activation here at Moka.

A Cup of Moka, the origin

Although we have made enough advertisements and tap-ins to many events, we think we need something new. We want to mushroom our target audience and varies the attendants of our events. In 2018, we changed our strategy. We begin to create events that focus on communities. Named after Moka’s third-anniversary event in 2017, A Cup of Moka is rebranded.

Building up the product, we started by determining the direction of A Cup of Moka itself. We spent a lot of time attending community events that have often been held for the MSME segment. Turns out, most of the time, the majority of proportion is more into the hard selling approach from the organizer’s product. Not to mention that the data being presented are very general and can be found easily without the needs to come to that event.

We want to make something different from that.

We create A Cup of Moka through an educative content containing data-driven material which divided into two main topics — business practice and business inspiration. ACOM combines workshops and seminar as we want to provide a forum that brought MSMEs together with experts in related fields.

We believe by sticking to soft-selling approach can help us to win people’s trust first. This was created as we committed to establish solid engagement with communities. Through this, we hope that communities can be able to develop themselves and improve their competitiveness and creativity in many aspects.

That’s the ideal condition. But no one can build a temple overnight.

Starting up, in 2018, we created 30 ACOM events across Indonesia. On each event, we brought our own Mokateers as the speakers. But we felt something’s missing. The engagement is not so intriguing. We want to add magic sprinkles, something that brings emotional engagement with the attendants. Until finally, we decided to bring Moka’s own merchants to be the speakers. We brought familiar names such as Dua Cipete, Fore, Buumi Playscape, Haimimo, Kibo Cheese, Fit Lokal, Suasana Kopi, Pigeon Hole Coffee, and Mad for Makeup to deliver their inspiring stories to everyone who’s longing for it.

This was when ACOM begin to activate. Knowing this was a good beginning, we start to collaborate with various parties such as Kementerian Koperasi & UKM Republik Indonesia, Kementerian Perindustrian, Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan, Talent Indonesia, Wiranesia Inkubator, Jakarta Creative Hub, and others. We also try to engage with a lot of new communities, from local communities, entrepreneurial communities, as well as governmental-fostered communities.

What makes ACOM is different from any other community activation event is our commitment to emphasizing on the know-how of utilizing the right data. As data is always seen horrifying for business owners when it is the key determinant factor for their sustainability and growth.

By bringing various topics from Operational Management, Financial Management, Marketing Management, to specific themes such as Photography, and Content Writing, ACOM is now accepted by many local communities from small to big cities across Indonesia.

“Through ACOM, what we do is not only how to educate the business owners to process and analyze it, but also beautifully “slice and dice” thought-provoking insights for them. The kind of insights that can not be easily found elsewhere because we in Moka have such abundant resource to do that.” — Bayu, Moka’s VP of Brand & Marketing

Now the bond is intertwined. We are so glad that today, a lot of our merchants and partners are willingly offering themselves as the speakers on ACOM. Better yet, they’ve also supported our events in many ways. ACOM right now is beyond a learning hub. We grow with three main pillars; learning, networking, and marketing.

“The journey we make might not be seen as quick. It’s a long and winding road, but we believe that we will get something in return, sometimes, in the future by empowering communities to grow.” — Anneke, Moka’s Community Lead

Thanks to Community Activation team, the people behind ACOM, in the first half of 2019, ACOM has engaged with more than 50 communities. We have partnered with more than 50 merchants and startups to accommodate the event, we have conducted more than 70 A Cup of Moka, and provided education to 3000+ MSMEs across Indonesia.

People behind A Cup of Moka

This is indeed not a mere number and this doesn’t stop here. We still have a long plan to develop MSMEs together, to be able to encourage them to grow and to help and support them to compete and innovate through technology. With all of the existing developments, we always step back and come back to one root, in empowering businesses to sell and grow.

Aspire to develop and be able to encourage Indonesia’s MSMEs together with us? Visit to see many opportunities at Moka!

