Motive at Sistas in Sales 2022

Jamal Qazi
Life at Motive
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2022

This month, our team had the honor of attending and sponsoring the Sistas In Sales Summit in Queens, New York. Sistas in Sales is the largest global organization for women of color in sales and we were proud to be a Supporting Partner for their 5th Annual Summit. Maintaining this ongoing partnership gives our team the opportunity to meet and recruit top talent, learn new skills, and network with other women of color in the sales industry.

With Motive being a remote-first employer, we look forward to these types of events, as it gives our leaders, recruiters, and Employee Resource Group members a chance to connect and collaborate in person. And, for our teammates that couldn’t make it, the team kept them fired up with live updates and photos in our Women-In-Sales and Melanin@Motive groups. This summit was their biggest, brightest and best event they’ve held to date.

Over the three days of the Summit, there were 75 speakers, six keynotes, and 18 workshops covering all aspects of professional corporate sales, including how to improve financial literacy and build accountability systems to be successful. One of the six keynote speakers was award-winning actor Taraji P. Heneson! Taraji is an inspiration to many and her appearance was the perfect ending to the conference. Some of our team members were lucky enough to meet her at the end of the summit.

The event not only presented attendees the opportunity to network with Fortune 500 recruiters and accelerated start-ups, but also provided them a platform to hear inspiring leaders within the sales industry and a chance to participate in workshops to improve their craft. Some of the inspiring leaders were our very own Kristin Moore, Senior Manager of SMB Sales Development, and Rebecca Heyse, Sales Transformation Manager, who both led the workshop Marketing Is Your Friend! How to Partner with Marketing to Close More Deals.

We can’t wait to see how Sistas in Sales tops this event next year!

The goal of our workshop was to share insights with other sales professionals on how one can partner with marketing to generate more leads, work through a rebrand, leverage case studies, utilize tools and software, and more.

Were you unable to attend Sistas in Sales? Did you miss the opportunity to speak to one of our recruiters about growing your career at Motive? If you’re interested in learning more about our sales organization or looking to join our team, click here to apply today.

