Team Highlight

Jamal Qazi
Life at Motive
Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2023

Our Software Engineering team is a critical component of our company’s success. The team works collaboratively to design, build, and deploy innovative software solutions that meet the evolving needs of our business and customers, in order to help them to unlock their potential.

The team is made up of highly skilled professionals who are experts in various programming languages, software development frameworks and cloud computing technologies. We take pride in fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth. Each of our engineers are encouraged to explore new technologies, join internal reading groups, share knowledge and best practice, and work together to overcome challenging problems. We recently sat down with Valerie Aguilar, Software Engineer, to learn more about their team.

What is something your team recently accomplished that you’re proud of?

Our team recently worked to improve the GPS data consistency across all of Motive Fleet View in our web dashboard. This was a huge success which required the entire team’s input. We have multiple sources of GPS data that are received at different frequencies, so aligning our customer’s features with the most updated data was not easy. We came up with a solution that worked and delivered on it.

Along with this, we also worked together to build a latency dashboard. We gathered metrics from our frontend and backend systems and unified them in a simple and easy-to-understand dashboard. This gives us insight into how our systems perform at a specific customer level and helps us identify whether a new feature or enhancement has affected their experience. We want to make sure our customers are happy with our product, which gives us a very accurate picture of demand.

Does your team have growth plans? What experience and skill set are you looking to bring to your department?

We are a Product team, actively growing and looking for Frontend Engineers to join our team. We have more projects for our customers than engineers. We welcome all experience and skill sets.

Who makes up the software engineering team at Motive? What are their different roles and responsibilities?

  • Backend Engineers and Backend Intern: responsible for designing, developing and maintaining the backend systems for the tracking team.
  • Frontend Engineers: responsible for developing and maintaining the UI for our web dashboard.
  • Software Quality Engineers: responsible for testing and certifying all production-related changes.
  • Design: responsible for designing the UX for our features on the web dashboard.
  • Product: works with customers to identify the critical components and collaborates with the team to plan and prioritize the most important projects.
  • Engineering Managers: Keeps the team aligned and progressing toward meeting our goals.

Where does your team sit?

Our team is entirely remote. We have team members in San Francisco, Canada (Montreal and Vancouver), East Coast, and Pakistan.

What technology does the team use in your role on a day-to-day basis?

We use a wide variety of technologies daily, including but not limited to Ruby on Rails, Golang, ElasticSearch, Kafka, Javascript, Redis, Postgres and the list goes on!

How would you define your team culture?

Our team culture is driven by high collaboration. We ensure that we share information and work together so that projects run smoothly. We embrace growth and learn from mistakes as a team rather than pointing fingers. It feels like a family in that we have each other’s backs and support each other when needed.

How does your team handle high-priority tasks?

We use the Agile methodology and plan our work around the highest priority tasks. We work across the entire team to make sure we’re aligned and have a clearly defined goal and execute on it. We have weekly meetings to ensure we’re on track to finish the work.

Interested in joining our software engineering team? We’re hiring! Check out our open positions here.

