Homepage video

Paperless Post
Life at Paperless Post
2 min readJul 15, 2016

To celebrate our brand’s promise of connecting loved ones, we created a short film for our homepage that showcases a range of active events that all started with an invitation.

The active event

Every occasion is an emotional experience. Photographs can capture a moment, but engaging with an environment among the people you love is something that we set out to document through the moving image. Although there is nothing quite like attending an event in real time, there are key moments of interaction that we made a careful effort to concentrate on in each of these scenes.

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It’s what we all have in common

By approaching the film direction with one consistent vantage point and a common proportion for scale among people and party elements, we were able to focus on the common denominator that all hosts and their guests have in common: shared connection.

As an homage to this theme of connection, each of the scenes in the film begin and end with a body motion that is reciprocated by each preceding and following scene in the sequence. As the final scene reaches its end, the last gesture is repeated again in the first scene, creating a visual story that never concludes.

take five

Working on this project, our team learned a ton about what it takes to produce a short film. Even when an idea is simple, it still takes a team of people to come together, collaborating for a common goal. We also learned a great hand-modeling tip: between takes, always hold your hand upwards so that it looks as smooth and beautiful as can once the director is ready for the next take.

