Meet Bia Berthalina, the Woman Behind Viral Marketing Campaigns

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4 min readOct 6, 2022

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. Let’s be honest, when we wake up, the first thing we do is check our phone and see what’s happening in our social media feed.

As we scroll our feed, we can spend hours and consume tons of content. We are now in an era where content is unlimited with so much noise.

As social media are getting noisy, publisher/creator/brand has one biggest challenge. How to get the audience's attention. It is essential for brands to be able to cut through the noise and stand out.

Bia Berthalina who joined Pegipegi in 2019 understands what it’s like. We sat down with her to unearth some insights into how she creates social media content that people will actually care.

This interview has been edited for content and clarity.

Tell us about your role in Pegipegi. What is your responsibility as an Associate Social Media Manager?

In general, I oversee — plan — develop the company’s objectives for the audience by using social media platforms as a tool to create relevant content.

In a daily basis, I create the overall strategy and put it on a monthly plan. Then I work together with my team to execute all of the content on all social platforms.

How many people in your team?

I have 3 people. 2 social media specialists & 1 visual designer.

Each social media specialist has a different platform to focus on. There is one person dedicated for platforms that focus heavily on visuals (especially videos) such as Instagram and TikTok. The other one is dedicated for platforms that focus heavily on text such as Twitter and Facebook.

Is there any difference from trends in social if you compared with today with 5 years ago?

Definitely. Compare to 5 years ago, there are many changes in the social media ecosystem.

Back then there are only 3 platforms (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) to focus on and these platforms has limited features compared to today.

So today, our job is getting more challenging as we need to learn new things with new features from these platforms to make our content more relevant with their algorithm.

Secondly, in the coming years, it’s not impossible there will be a new kid on the block that can beat the current social media giant (just like TikTok did with Meta), so we need to keep updated on where our audience consumes content.

What’s something you’re most proud of that you’ve done?

I remember that time in late early 2020, we experimented to create a new approach on how we put our billboards.

The idea is simple. What if we can put our tweet on our billboard.

So we experimented by putting 3 different copies in 3 cities. One copy that we put in Jakarta was inspired by the popular terms at that time. “Rame banget gada yg mau mutualan?” in which we changed it to “Rame amat gak ada yang mau liburan apa?”. We’ve managed to create a relevant story align with our campaign to encourage users to travel back then.

Billboard in Bali
Billboard in Bandung

The results were amazing. I did not expect this simple copy got buzzed by the ‘netizens’ and some of the biggest media players on social (USSfeeds, Folkative, etc) picked up the content organically. I must say that what we did bring new experiences that I’m proud of.

Social media is tricky as you must keep updated with everything on all platforms. What is your secret sauce to being able always on top in 24/7 business?

First, you need to know the objectives. You really need to understand the 5W+1H in social media platforms. In this context, what is the business objectives, and what is our audience's point of view? You need to marry these two in order to create relevant content.

Secondly, I am blessed that I have the best team that I can work with. I encourage all of my team to always share what they see and their thoughts about content on social. I believe this will help to broaden the way I think and will boost productivity and make the discussion more fun.

Last, you need to listen and understand what type of content that your audience wants, what type of content you can cater/produce, and how you can achieve certain objectives.

What is your formula in order to make your content stand out?

You need to understand human psychology. For example, people judge the book from its cover (it’s true). So you need to produce the best possible ‘cover’ you can create to hook your audience. Your first 3 seconds matter.

How do you keep the balance between digital and real world?

By separating and teaching myself that digital world is purely for professional interest or personal development. Other than that, it is just for fun. Seriously, why be so serious on the internet?

What is your advice for those who want to have a career in social

Personally, I have no specific advice. But maybe, be a critical thinker and a creative problem solver. Having those two mindsets will help you a lot in this ever-changing — fast-paced work environment.

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