Belonging at Propeller

Issy Clarkson
Life at Propeller
Published in
4 min readAug 13, 2024

I remember my first day at Propeller: 15 engineers and one Operations Manager (me). I wanted to fit in.

That was back in 2016. And honestly, you don’t stay with a company for eight years without occasionally wondering, “Is this the right place for me? What else is out there?”

There are many reasons I still work at Propeller, but one less obvious one is my sense of belonging here. I’m not part of a volleyball team or a church choir, but I still have the same basic need to connect with people and feel most like myself. It’s this sense of belonging that helps me through the wobbles.

Hannah Elerick, Isobel Clarkson and Rory San Miguel in Vietnam
Hannah, me, and Rory in Vietnam

So, What is Belonging?

I used to think belonging was all about fitting in and finding a crew. Now I understand it’s actually the opposite.

As always, Brené Brown puts it best: Fitting in is, “Who do I need to be? What do I need to say? What do I need to wear? and changing who you are.”

Belonging, on the other hand, is about being accepted, included, and valued for who you are.

At Propeller, we take this seriously. But like all things, we’re human and as humans, we don’t make perfect decisions. We excel in some areas but still have a long way to go in others.

Belonging by the Numbers

To get a handle on belonging, we start with data. Here’s how:

  • Our Annual CultureAmp Survey: We ask everyone to rate, “I can be my authentic self at work.” This gives us an overall score — currently 91% agreement, which is strong but not perfect. The key here is that we can break this data down by teams and demographics, helping us pinpoint where our focus is needed most. It takes what could be an overwhelming challenge and makes it manageable.
  • New Hires: Belonging is especially challenging for new employees, who are often focused on acclimating and accommodating. So we focus on this by asking our new teammates to rate their sense of belonging on a scale of 1–5 at 1 week, 1 month, and 75 days — and tell us what is and isn’t working.

I’ve noticed that the small moments of care make all the difference. We ask every new hire about their favourite coffee and bring it to them, give individual shout-outs during team lunches, and even have everyone in the Sydney office wear name tags on new starter days so it’s not just one person trying to remember 100 names. These small, personal touches aren’t necessarily automated and scalable, but that’s what makes them meaningful.

People are REALLY Interesting

Have you ever noticed how interesting people are when you ask them about themselves?

Last year, during a company-wide trip to Vietnam, we made it a point for all 200 of us to share our life stories. The stories were incredible — pro-athletes, growing up with a sick parent, moving to a new country, and being the only non-Australian at school.

The list goes on.

It was a powerful reminder of how much we can learn about the people we spend eight hours of our workday with. Storytelling allows us to celebrate our unique experiences and encourages a genuine curiosity in one another.

There are, of course, less nerve-wracking ways to share our stories. One of my favorite events is Chinese New Year. With a strong Chinese contingent at Propeller, Hot Pot Night, hosted by the wonderful Tim Lui, is a highlight of the year. It’s a great way to learn about a culture I didn’t grow up with and connect on a deeper level with my teammates.

Chinese New Year Hot-pot hosted by Tim

What I’ve learned is that belonging is about more than just being part of a team — it’s about finding a place where you can be yourself and feel valued. One comment from our recent engagement survey resonated with me:

“Propeller is one of my only jobs where I don’t have to put on a ‘face’ at work to keep up appearances.”

At Propeller, there is a lot of work to do, and the last thing we need is people wasting their energy keeping up appearances. But creating this environment takes effort, and it’s the small moments that make all the difference — whether it’s making space at the lunch table or staying genuinely open-minded and curious about each other. That is what belonging is all about.

Wondering where you belong? Check out our open roles.

Authenticity Wins at Propeller

