Optimize Urban Management with Technology

Miftahus Salam
Life at Shirvano
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2019
Use of Technology in Urban Management

Urban management is an ongoing urban development effort with an integrated, comprehensive, and holistic system intended to achieve its objectives in accordance with the plans and stages that have been made. The urban management itself aims at the welfare of the urban community. This well-being is in a broad sense, which not only about community needs but also about resource management, smooth transportation, fulfillment of facilities, environmental problems, and others. Therefore, matters regulated in urban management are related to both physical and non-physical fields. The physical field here relates to infrastructure and also conservation of resources, while non-physical is related to the development of urban quality from all other aspects. Because of that, in its integration tools are needed that can facilitate us in planning until the development of the urban later. The current technology can be utilized as a tool for making decisions in urban management problems.

In managing the urban, the information technology used is usually known as Geographic Information System (GIS). This technology can include spatial data and non-spatial data. This data will provide an overview to the planner about the urban that he will manage. These data are useful as material for analysis and are the basis for planning. GIS functions in various aspects, including resources, regional planning, transportation, network management, tourism, and socio-culture. With GIS, these aspects can be integrated and produce optimal urban governance. In addition to GIS technology itself there are several technologies that can be used in urban management. Among other things integrated information systems. This is useful to see what is actually a community problem and what is needed by the community. Besides that, it can also be a distribution analysis material that is not seen in GIS and can be monitored at any time. This integrated information system can also be useful to show data on the results of the development of urban management that has been running to the community and related parties. The technology used in data retrieval is also needed to get data that is increasingly precise and even accurate in the field.

Urban management is a complicated matter because it covers various aspects. Need a technology to integrate these various aspects and process data from these aspects. This technology is not only a tool for processing data, but also as an input for planner analysis as a tool for displaying output that is already running. Because of technology, urban management has been optimized. The use of technology in urban management is a big help.

Pic Source: https://www.gim-international.com/content/article/urban-planning-management-and-decision-making-in-the-cloud



Miftahus Salam
Life at Shirvano

One small step for my progress, one giant leap for my life.