Hello and welcome to ‘Life at SDF’!

A collection of articles about Swinburne Design Factory people, projects and experiences

Design Factory Melbourne
Life at DFM


How can we improve patient experience using digital technologies?
What are future scenarios of retail shopping, and how will people and brands interact?
How might we commercialise a new biopolymer composite material?

These questions describe common types of challenges we face in a complex, rapidly changing and uncertain world. And these types of challenges are not ones we can solve alone. What’s needed is collaboration across traditional boundaries, silos, sectors, timezones and cultures.

At Swinburne Design Factory, adventurous university students, industry partners and researchers experiment working, thinking and doing in new ways, to create innovative solutions. It’s an exciting, and often challenging, journey!

This publication, ‘Life at SDF’, aims to shed light on the eco-system of people, projects and experiences around Swinburne Design Factory (SDF). It’s also a place to share our thoughts on design-integrated innovation. SDF’s mission is to support and spark the front-end of innovation and to build capability of students, researchers and industry to venture into the unknown, together. We aim to prepare students and industry for jobs that don’t yet exist, and technologies/systems/services not yet developed.

Envisaging future learning spaces through prototyping.

This publication will start with a collection of stories and case studies written by Swinburne PAVE students. This is a collaboration between SDF and Swinburne PAVE, which enables Diploma of Professional Writing and Editing students to work on real-life journalism projects as part of their studies. Thank you to our staff, students, alumni and partners who have contributed by sharing their stories and experiences of what SDF means to them but most importantly thanks for PAVE students for showing their passion for writing. For any queries or to get in touch with the various contributing authors please contact Lucy Campbell — sdf@swin.edu.au or Nic Brasch — nbrasch@swin.edu.au

Join the ride to infinity and beyond!

What is SDF?

Swinburne Design Factory (SDF) is a hub for innovative learning and research at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. SDF is part of the Design Factory Global Network, a community of institutions and research organisations that share similar passion and approaches to innovation and industry-engaged learning. The kinds of industry challenges we work on range from finding new applications for emerging technologies, to designing compelling customer experiences, to conceptualising new ways to address challenging health and social issues.

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Drop by SDF (coffee is on us) and come along to an SDF Breakfast (last Tuesday of each month — updates on www.facebook.com/SwinburneDF)



Design Factory Melbourne
Life at DFM

Design Factory Melbourne (DFM) brings together students, researchers and industry partners to solve complex problems and generate innovative solutions.