How Tokopedia Cultivates Kindness Through Its Platform

Simple act of kindness that brings meaningful impact.

Nadira Wandari
Life at Tokopedia
3 min readJun 13, 2019


The holy month of Ramadan has finally come to an end. All month long, it was a period where everyone is rallying to give back and lend their support. It is also a month of mercy, where we are implored to treat those around us with love and kindness in a hope to get spiritual comfort in this peaceful time.

In light of these, Tokopedia’s Top Donasi has made its return to invite more and more people join a beautiful act of kindness during Ramadan. Top Donasi is a donation platform for every purchase in Tokopedia, where consumers can voluntarily set aside Rp. 200 for each transaction that later will be channeled to foundations in need.

We believe that through Tokopedia, anyone can help make a difference and spread their kindness and compassion through our platform.

Previously, Top Donasi has worked with several reliable partners in regards to leveraging our social mission. From renovating school with PKPU Human Initiative, supporting Small and Medium Enterprises in Salemba Penitentiary with Yayasan Tangan Pengharapan, to educating digital literacy for youth in YCAB Foundation.

Previous Top Donasi with Yayasan Tangan Pengharapan

Double the Kindness through Top Donasi 500

During the last Ramadan, Tokopedia increased the amount of donation from Rp. 200 to Rp. 500 to accommodate people’s needs in giving compassionate contribution. Thanks to the generosity of Tokopedia users, we are able to drive an even bigger impact to the society.

This time, we are able to generate Rp. 173.951.300 — an increase more than twofold from the previous donation where we generated Rp. 65.043.800 in one month span!

The donations are funneled to Nara Kreatif, a social entrepreneurship that focuses on providing education access to the underprivileged. Nara Kreatif empowers the homeless, orphans, dropouts, disabled, and many others to be financially independent by developing their skills in turning waste into valuable products. They also provide non-formal education for them to have a better chance in life.

Prior to this, Tokopedia and Nara Kreatif have been working closely in several projects. This includes Nakamate where Tokopedia’s Nakama were directly involved in sharing their knowledge and experience to Nara Kreatif’s Youth that were getting non-formal education.

Learning session in Nara Kreatif (Photo Credit to Nara Kreatif)

Each and every donation made on Top Donasi are 100% generated from Tokopedia users. All these times, we realized that Tokopedia can serve as a bridge that connects people from wherever they are. Not only it connects people to find whatever they look for, it also serves as a place where people can reach out to those in need by making a donation.

Nezatullah, founder of Nara Kreatif, shared how this feature has brought tremendous help for Nara Kreatif. “We are very grateful to be Tokopedia’s partner for Top Donasi feature. This opportunity has helped many of our children to get better access of education and to achieve a better livelihood. We hope more collaborations to come”, said Neza.

Siti Fauziah, Tokopedia Senior Communications Lead, shared her experience managing Top Donasi. “We hope that this feature could help many Indonesian children access education and live a much better life. Tokopedia is always making a constant effort in leveraging our platform for an even greater cause,” said Siti.

Regular class for students in Nara Kreatif (Photo Credit to Nara Kreatif)

By helping those in need, we learn to love more, feel blessed, and be grateful. And overall, bring good not only to the beneficiaries, but also to ourselves, and everyone else that is part of the initiative.

